Just Finished Seven Summits And Selling New and Used Gear

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Re: Just Finished Seven Summits And Selling New and Used Gea

by jackstraw0083 » Wed Jan 04, 2012 8:05 pm

Sorry to break it to some of you, but I doubt that many people care whether or not you consider them "real" climbers like yourselves. The undertones of jealousy in your posts against a guy who did something pretty cool aren't very subtle either. Who cares what his reasons for climbing were? I don't know and neither do you, and really, what does it matter. With the exception of professional climbers, climbing should be about personal goals. All of you flaunting your goals and feeling the need to judge the level of "climber" other people are just highlight your own glaring insecurities.

Congrats Chapter 11 on your accomplishments!

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Re: Just Finished Seven Summits And Selling New and Used Gea

by Marmaduke » Wed Jan 04, 2012 8:47 pm

jackstraw0083 wrote:Sorry to break it to some of you, but I doubt that many people care whether or not you consider them "real" climbers like yourselves. The undertones of jealousy in your posts against a guy who did something pretty cool aren't very subtle either. Who cares what his reasons for climbing were? I don't know and neither do you, and really, what does it matter. With the exception of professional climbers, climbing should be about personal goals. All of you flaunting your goals and feeling the need to judge the level of "climber" other people are just highlight your own glaring insecurities.

Congrats Chapter 11 on your accomplishments!

Once again a post that is on the side of decency and showing respect for what Chapter 11 did. Regardless of some, a few of those summits are very much a real climb regardless of doing it with guides, porters, etc. There really is an arrogance among some who climb mountains. And it shows up on this site quite frequently.

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Re: Just Finished Seven Summits And Selling New and Used Gea

by Vitaliy M. » Wed Jan 04, 2012 9:01 pm

Marmaduke wrote:
Vitaliy M. wrote:My point is that your goals were bogus and not realistic for your priorities. Don't see the need of posting a list of things one has no way to complete in given time frame. Before your son ever went to hospital you pretty much did not do crap for the whole previous year. By that point you were supposed to be like 1/3 of the way through your list, no?

That's only your opinion as to my goals if they were realistic or not, but 100 peaks in 3 years is in fact very realistic. You have done 150 in only 2 years.
There was no previous year as you posted. I hiked/climbed 26 peaks in 2011 which would equate to 78 over 3 years, so a little behind my goal. Oh well, we'll see what transpires in 2012.

No, it is not only my opinion, it is a fact (based on what you have done). Hiked 26 peaks from your list in 2011?
How many 14ers, 13ers, and 12ers have you done so far????
If Marmaduke spent his free time climbing peaks instead of participating in these stupid online threads, there would be a lot more wisdom in you. Wisdom based on personal experience, not on Kraukaver's books.

Sorry to break it to some of you, but I doubt that many people care whether or not you consider them "real" climbers like yourselves.

Good, than no need to get butt hurt over it. And I do not consider myself as a 'climber' or can care less what others consider me...I just like to be out there in the nature.

The undertones of jealousy in your posts against a guy who did something pretty cool aren't very subtle either.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: Just Finished Seven Summits And Selling New and Used Gea

by chapter11 » Wed Jan 04, 2012 9:50 pm

3 pages of conversation and not one offer on any of the gear?!?!!?

:D :D :D :D :D :D

BTW - given the initial reception I did not bother posting the rest of the gear up. If you are on the hunt for something shoot me an email and I will let you know if I have it.

And finally - as to why I am stopping - my father and I set off to climb these peaks together beginning 2003 (which is about when I joined this site - WELL before some of those taking shots a me, I might add.....) and we just finished the last one a few weeks ago (as I mentioned). 8 years is a ton of time to be locked in on something especially when you live in flat state (Texas) where future climbs cannot be done without taking 3+ days to do so. Further, he is 63 now and I think it makes sense to go out on top.

In any event, I realize this is a climbing site and people live/breathe this stuff on here - I do not; however, and am ready to move on to my next challenge in life (I have no idea what that is yet).

I hope this all makes sense and we can get back to what IS important here - selling my crap!!!
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Re: Just Finished Seven Summits And Selling New and Used Gea

by MoapaPk » Wed Jan 04, 2012 9:52 pm

Congrats to you and your father. Sorry, no gear really appeals to me!

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Re: Just Finished Seven Summits And Selling New and Used Gea

by Marmaduke » Wed Jan 04, 2012 10:02 pm

Your thread has been hijacked, your best bet would to start another thread without the extra commentary to keep the wolves away. Cool story, what a great experience for you and your Dad. Will there be a trip report? I'm sure it would be a great story to read. Congrats, again!

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Re: Just Finished Seven Summits And Selling New and Used Gea

by thecroce » Wed Jan 04, 2012 10:02 pm

Jumaring up a rope and climbing are two very different things. Big whoop you paid someone to bring you to the top of 7 mountains... Huge accomplishment

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Re: Just Finished Seven Summits And Selling New and Used Gea

by chapter11 » Wed Jan 04, 2012 10:06 pm

thecroce wrote:Jumaring up a rope and climbing are two very different things. Big whoop you paid someone to bring you to the top of 7 mountains... Huge accomplishment

Hilarious - lets try to push it to 4 pages, DBag...

For F's sake - I never claimed to be a world class climber - just wanted to offload some gear to someone who could use it.

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Re: Just Finished Seven Summits And Selling New and Used Gea

by Vitaliy M. » Wed Jan 04, 2012 10:12 pm

Marmaduke wrote:Your thread has been hijacked, your best bet would to start another thread without the extra commentary to keep the wolves away. Cool story, what a great experience for you and your Dad. Will there be a trip report? I'm sure it would be a great story to read. Congrats, again!

So you still didn't answer my question. How many 14ers, how many 13ers, how many 12ers have you hiked so far in 2 years? Just the # please.

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Re: Just Finished Seven Summits And Selling New and Used Gea

by thecroce » Wed Jan 04, 2012 10:14 pm

Whats hilarious is needing a rope team to get up the west buttress

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Re: Just Finished Seven Summits And Selling New and Used Gea

by Vitaliy M. » Wed Jan 04, 2012 10:19 pm

thecroce wrote:Whats hilarious is needing a rope team to get up the west buttress

Have you done it? A lot of people would want a rope there. People die very often from falls on steep snow/ice rock from 16 to 17K while unroped (that section has slopes to maybe 50 degree ice and scrambling on 3rd class, but with a huge backpack and all). There is also a spot on the way to 18K where people die often. These would not be hard for people that climb often, but for someone from Texas who can't it would be a big challenge.

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Re: Just Finished Seven Summits And Selling New and Used Gea

by etai101 » Wed Jan 04, 2012 10:45 pm

really enjoyed this thread, it kind of got ugly on page 2 but funny at the end.
great story too "chapter" , whish i had the chance to do something like that with my father, he got me into climbing at the age of 13 and passed away later on, now after hearing about your accomplishment it dose bring out some jealousy in my end i would admit
would have loved to climb denali with my pop.
as for your gear take my advice take photos and post it up on mountain project it will be picked up faster.
Hopefully with out any snide remarks.

7 summits is not my bag even tough i had climbed 2 of them right time wong place kind of thing (somewhat boring was my impression).
looks like i just pushed this hijacked thread past 4 pages hehe

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Re: Just Finished Seven Summits And Selling New and Used Gea

by JB99 » Wed Jan 04, 2012 10:52 pm

Sounds like a cool story, I've climbed a few smaller mountains with my pops and they are some of my favorite trips to the mountains.

Sad to see so much jealousy coming from some. Say what you want about hiring guides, Sherpas, porters... climbing the 7 Summits no doubt requires ample determination and suffering. I'll never forget watching a hardcore climber at the hut on Orizaba talk about how easy Everest and the 7 Summits would be - only to turn around after feeling a little sick climbing above 16k.

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Re: Just Finished Seven Summits And Selling New and Used Gea

by j4ever » Wed Jan 04, 2012 11:52 pm

Congrats to you and you Dad,wish i could have done that with my Father but now its to late,you will have lasting memories and dont worry about the D-BAGS.

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Re: Just Finished Seven Summits And Selling New and Used Gea

by mattyj » Thu Jan 05, 2012 2:16 am

JB99 wrote:Sad to see so much jealousy coming from some.

Jealousy? Come on. Whether you agree with them or not, you really think the people making comments in this thread are doing so simply because they're green with envy over his summits? I guess that explains why everyone takes pot shots whenever someone puts up a new speed record other other more enviable feats.

Look, I can't speak for everyone, but one of the reasons that people who transit the mountaineering world solely to tick a list get shit is because of the direct negative impact they have on the sport. Not people-at-cocktail-parties-don't-respect-your-K2-climb-because-its-not-everest impact, but the way in which it reduces the mountains to Disneyland. Why? Because their ranks tend to be filled with people who jumped from day hiking to waking up one day deciding to knock off something huge.

Some of us like the fact that in the mountains, actions have consequences - something decreasingly common in civilization. Those intent on bagging the summits by any means necessary don't, and by placing themselves in an environment without first building the necessary skills, they bring a whole pile of stupid to the mountain. The result is increased danger due to human activity (rockfall, congestion at choke points) and, more stressing to me, calls for increased regulation and higher permit fees to fund professional on-mountain staff.

Denali is the only of the 7S I've been on, so I'll run with that. Look no further than the proposed $500 permit fee (eventually reduced to $350 after climbers threw a fit). I'm not going to sit here and pass judgement on who is or is not allowed to be on the mountain, and I appreciate the fact that the NPS doesn't either. However, if they weren't so busy flying the Lama around all day saving people, they night not need to charge so much.

And before anyone rips into me, note that I thought about making some snarky remark at the beginning of this thread, but didn't because I don't know Chapter11, and I'm not saying any of this applies to him. Are there cool people knocking off the 7S? Of course. But most of them are playing a different game than most of us, and I don't think anyone would care except that we have to share the same field. Not that this is unique to the 7S; it applies to anyone for whom mountaineering is simply a temporary stumbling block that must be mastered only well enough to reach some goal.

Chapter11, I've had good luck with geartrade.com. They charge a commission, but since they take care of collecting CC payments and advertising your items (like on froogle), it's easier to find buyers. Speaking realistically, a price drop might be necessary where ever you list it.

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