San Jacinto Peak Climber's Log

Viewing: 1-20 of 421

Wheelbarrow - Mar 20, 2024 12:12 am Date Climbed: Dec 29, 2022

via Marion Mountain  Sucess!

Lots of snow made this a quality 13.5 mile hike.


Snowslogger - Dec 7, 2023 2:08 pm Date Climbed: Aug 31, 1986

From Idyllwild  Sucess!

Hiked up from Idyllwild (a fairly stiff hike) only to meet numerous people in sandals who strolled over from the tram. Had wine in long stem glasses with some guys (also had wine with people on San Antonio and San Gorgonio - a Socal thing?). Amazing views, including out to the ocean.


Domtron - Oct 12, 2022 7:03 pm

What A Beast!  Sucess!

It's not easy during winter but will be much easier if you use the tram. Cactus to Clouds should only be done by advanced hikers.


MooTheCow - Jun 3, 2022 1:22 pm Date Climbed: Oct 11, 2019

Somewhat interesting adventure  Sucess!

Took the tram up in the afternoon, signed the register in the hut, and saw an awesome sunset and mountain shadow from the peak. Hurried down after that, got lost in the dark, and barely made it back before the last tram down.

Senad Rizvanovic

Senad Rizvanovic - Nov 1, 2021 6:12 am Date Climbed: Oct 30, 2021

From Tram station  Sucess!

Something different from Colorado, perspective of this mountain is amazing from Palm Springs. You can spend days hiking this mountain by different routes. Beautiful views from the summit.


JRaphaelson - Oct 27, 2021 6:51 pm Date Climbed: Oct 27, 2021

Marion Mountain Trail  Sucess!

Nice October day with not a cloud in the sky.

cm20 - Aug 5, 2021 6:42 pm Date Climbed: May 22, 2021

From Humber  Sucess!

Weather was cold


bdreese2 - Jan 31, 2021 5:40 pm Date Climbed: Apr 12, 2016

CA Vacation  Sucess!


technicolorNH - Nov 11, 2020 10:13 pm Date Climbed: Nov 11, 2020

Marion Mountain Trail  Sucess!

Took a solid 4.5 hours to attain the summit, although I missed the intersection where the trail goes left and continued straight up towards Marion for a bit. Two helpful chaps let me know I was off the trail I wanted so with a bit of bushwhacking I corrected my path but that did waste some time. Six inches of snow at the TH and considerably more on top, but four or five people had broken trail to the final junction .3 miles from the summit. I gave my headlamp to two much younger hikers who really wanted to go for it, but were only going to get back to Round Valley CG before full dark.


Rockawilliam - Jul 27, 2020 12:31 pm Date Climbed: Jul 3, 2020

My Wife's First Summit!!  Sucess!

Camped at Strawberry and circumnavigated the peak the following day. The wife got a bit of altitude sickness, but enjoyed the trip nonetheless. I have to say I was impressed with the variety of scenery and the prominence of the peak over Palm Springs. I usually have to drive much farther than 2 hours to find alpine scenery, but Jacinto delivered!

Scott Pierce

Scott Pierce - Jul 5, 2020 2:09 pm Date Climbed: Jul 12, 2011

Full day hike  Sucess!

On the trail. Most of a day.

Outlaw - Sep 10, 2018 2:38 am Date Climbed: May 19, 2018

Cactus to Clouds (Outlaw Trail)  Sucess!

Exciting hiking in varied terrain, from desert to alpine, phenomenal views throughout. Started at 2:45am, summited at 2:45pm totally exhausted and happy to have no more uphill. Took a well deserved tram ride down. Shoutout to my Aunt for getting this stellar, test-piece of a hike nicknamed after her!

Outlaw - Sep 10, 2018 2:31 am Date Climbed: May 12, 2018

Fuller Ridge to San Jacinto Peak  Sucess!

A prominent ridge with beautiful views the whole way. Mostly gradual incline, sustained over a solid amount of mileage. Very well maintained trail, highly recommend


BooRadley - Jul 20, 2018 1:43 pm Date Climbed: Feb 8, 2018

San Jacinto Peak  Sucess!

Someone stole the sign!


eferesen - Jun 25, 2018 11:14 am Date Climbed: May 5, 2018

Marion Mountain Trail  Sucess!

Perfect day to hike. The place was packed with people at the summit. Marion Mountain trail was pretty and hardly any hikers


harbor - Apr 1, 2018 9:11 am Date Climbed: Mar 30, 2018

From tram  Sucess!

Took tram up in the AM - hiked most of the afternoon up to the peak and back. Still plenty of snow from Round Valley to Wellman's Divide. Great hike & summit area is sweet.

Snowman of Annapurna

Snowman of Annapurna - Jan 7, 2018 12:46 pm Date Climbed: Jan 4, 2018

Humber Park (no snow)  Sucess!

Long day, high winds at summit. Beautiful sunset coming down


wdimpfl - Dec 23, 2017 1:21 am Date Climbed: May 20, 1986

Long hike from Humber Park  Sucess!

This was my birthday. I decided to take some time for myself. I was strong from commuting daily on by bicycle (25 mile round trip), which I had become accustomed to for the past several years. On that day I drove from LA to Humber Park above Idlewild and hiked quickly to the summit and back to the car (15.3 miles, 4806 ft elevation gain), and drove back home.


McCannster - Dec 20, 2017 9:50 am Date Climbed: Dec 19, 2017

CA County HP #30  Sucess!

Long anticipated summit, lived up to its expectations. Via Round Valley since I didn't have time for Snow Creek or CtC.


wanderweg83 - Nov 20, 2017 8:53 am Date Climbed: Nov 16, 2017

Seizing the day  Sucess!

Myself and 2 coworkers went up the tramway and then hiked up to the peak. What an incredible hike! Beautiful views at every turn, and a nice, easy trail to the summit. The elevation gain of 2,400 feet was spread fairly evenly across 5 + miles of trail. Trail markers are not the most accurate. Maps say 5.8 miles from the tramway to the summit, trail markers say 5.5, and my Garmin says 5.15.

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