Please read the red tape section of this page before visiting this area as it is on the property of the Adirondack Mountain Reserve/Ausable Club. Without thier permission, none of these amazing trails would be available to the public.
The St. Huberts Parking area is located 7.5 Miles west on route 73 from the junction of exit 30 on 87. When driving west on 73 you will see a road sign on the left named Ausable Road. This is the only sign visible from the road that marks the entrance to the parking lot. Also it is directly across from the Roaring Brook Trailhead on the right, which leads to Giant Mt.
When entering Ausable Road, the lot is immediatly visible and there is no parking allowed along the road which leads to the Ausable Club.
The parking lot holds approximately 40 cars, although more have probably been squeezed in on busy weekends. When the lot is full, there is some parking across the street at the Roaring Brook Trailhead, or along the side of route 73 itself.
Diections from parking lot to trailhead.
The gate to the Lake Road TrailOnce you have parked you must follow the Ausable Road by foot .7 miles to the trailhead. At about .2 miles The road will turn from dirt to pavement. It is here where the trailheads to Noonmark and Round Mtn's are. I noticed some Canadian hikers refraining from using thier hiking poles along the pavement as you will be passing by several private cottages and a golf course. I found this to be a great idea as even I, a fellow hiker, find the Clackety Clak of the poles to be annoying sometimes although invaluable while carrying a heavy pack.
After the golf course, take a left, continuing on paved roads. You will shortly see a trail register and a small ranger cabin to the right (.6 Mi.). The ranger will most likely be there, making sure you fulfill all of the requirements of the red tape section below.
Ahead is a wonderfully crafted gate. This is the beginning of the Lake Road Trail, which leads to the many other trails of this beautiful area.
This area is full of waterfalls, riverside hikes and excellent views along the East Branch of the Ausable River and around the upper and lower Ausable lakes with great access to the surrounding mountains.
Immediate trails accessible from this parking area.
-Stimson trail to Noonmark
-Round Mt. trail
-Lake Road trail to lower Ausable Lake
-W.A. White trail to Lower Wolf Jaw
-Cathederal Rocks Trail
-East River Trail
West River Trail
Many other Excellent trails lead from these to many of the surrounding peaks.
Mountains closely accesable from this parking area
Sawteeth Mtn. (left) from Ausable Club-Round Mt.
-Noonmark Mt.
-Snow Mt.
-Hedgehog Mt.
-Bearden Mt.
-Dial Mt.
-Indianhead Mt.
-Mt. Colvin
-Blake Mt.
-Lower Wolf Jaw
-Upper Wolf Jaw
Red Tape
These trails begin on Private Land. The AMR/Ausable club land encompasses Both Upper and Lower Ausable lakes and the surrounding land area.
There are no dogs allowed and no camping. One must reach legal areas to camp outside these lands. The transition from Private to public lands are well marked along the trails. If you arrive at the trailhead too late to reach legal camping, the ranger may turn you back.
Everyone must hike from the parking lot. No drop-offs or pick-ups are allowed at the trailhead area/gate.
No Boating or swimming in the waters.
As in all of the eastern high peaks area of the Adirondacks, these rules must also be followed.
-If staying over night, a self issued "trip ticket" must be filled out and one copy kept with you at all times for rangers inspection.
-Bear canisters are a requirement from april 1 to November 30 and you may be turned back by a ranger if you do not have one. for more info see
the ADK Mountain Club website.
Some images of this area.
Beaver Brook Falls West River Trail
Beaver Meadow area West River Trail
Beaver Meadow Area West River Trail
rasgoat - Oct 12, 2006 9:21 pm - Hasn't voted
thanks!it took me a while to find, i was like, Adirondacks and St Huberts are right, so what the hell?, but i foud it!
Tony Goodwin - Nov 17, 2019 3:01 pm - Hasn't voted
2019 UpdateAs of 2019, parking is now prohibited along Rt. 73 except at the few wide turnouts - most of which are up Chapel Pond Pass. This past summer, on busy weekends the 40-car parking area was full by 7 AM, and on a few busier weekend in the fall the fill-up time was closer to 6 AM. A number of hikers started with headlamps just to get convenient parking. The parking restrictions were one way of trying to control use, and there is no consensus on what additional restrictions may be added in the years to come. I personally think it's great that so many new people want to get out and hike; but the infrastructure may take a while to catch up. If you don't want to have to arrive at 6 AM to find a parking space on a weekend, either call in sick on a weekday or try some of the other lesser traveled trails.