SoCalHiker - Dec 18, 2010 12:01 pm - Voted 1/10
Re: I don't know what to vote here...I am sorry Wolfgang but that explanation is just pure rubbish
lcarreau - Dec 17, 2010 7:38 pm - Voted 5/10
According to Wolfgang..I'm supposed to be laughing right now!
If the "facts" are indeed there, then they have DELIBERATELY been
"covered up" by people's opinions.
It's a "cover-up," I tell you! A bloody cover-up !!!
Bruno - Dec 17, 2010 10:57 pm - Voted 10/10
A very entertaining reportAs a person who grew up in the catholic church as a child (and being Swiss myself where all the pope's mercenaries are from), I don't see this report as being offensive, but rather full of humour.
Two points though, already mentioned by other members: could you please replace the "bold" by "normal" text, and put an ID picture relevant to the topic in both your trip report and mountain page.
Matthew Van Horn - Dec 17, 2010 11:11 pm - Hasn't voted
BoldI like the bold text.
I'm disappointed you did not go right to the top of the summit mound and tag it.
mrchad9 - Dec 18, 2010 4:44 am - Voted 10/10
Interesting report...Certainly has the place buzzing. And worth reading. The mountain page could use a bit more info (much of which is in this report) rather than primarily a couple of links. But I think you should be able to present your trip report however you like. Period.
Wolfgang Schaub - Dec 18, 2010 5:02 am - Hasn't voted
Re: Interesting report...You know, the actual summit was too holy for me. I won't profane a summit as holy as Vatican's Highest.
There are thousands climbing Everest like lemmings. Nobody ever has been on Mons Vaticanus, it seems.
lcarreau - Dec 18, 2010 12:53 pm - Voted 5/10
Re: Interesting report...But, I think you're missing the whole point of mountains.
In reading this, seems you're attracted to "high-profile"
mountains that will create the most controversy for you and
your readers when reporting on them.
If you're really looking for a "virgin" summit, there are plenty
of those here in the United States!
WHY even attempt to climb a mountain with so many "grey areas"
attached to it ??? Are you dreaming of your own reality show?
visentin - Dec 18, 2010 12:47 pm - Hasn't voted
I will not vote too.Wolfgang, I don't know what to think. I'm speechless when you climb Deravica between mines, but it's so absurd when you "climb"
24 Chemin des Révoires in Monaco, and now this one. You're a good mountaineer, you make good trip reports. Please don't waste your time doing things like this, go to the mountains ! Go to the Aneto, go to Mont Viso, go to Pietrosul, to Snieznik, each of them non-highpoints, but waiting for you !
Wolfgang Schaub - Dec 18, 2010 1:38 pm - Hasn't voted
Re: I will not vote too.Vatican and 24 Chemin des Révoires are for the wintertime. Aneto will follow next summer.
It is about EUROPE, you know, mountains are only the "cover-up", as somebody else has rightly pointed out here. And Aneto will be like Deravica: wild and beautiful. But it will never be about Aneto and Deravica ALONE. It will always be about the famous and weird Pyrenees border and about a new country popping up, respectively. Mountains as such are dead heaps of stone. They come to life when in their environments.
And such is Colle Vaticano.
McCannster - Dec 18, 2010 1:39 pm - Voted 10/10
Pretty Cool, actuallyVery unique TR, even for your standards, Wolfgang. You never cease to amaze me with your epic adventures. I am too a little disappointed that you didn't walk the extra, what, 10 meters to bag the actual summit, but I guess you were already well into the red zone.
Wolfgang Schaub - Dec 18, 2010 1:58 pm - Hasn't voted
Re: Huh?You didn't miss anything, rebelgrizz. Such a low score and you care reading! There must be something wrong with you.
And about Pan and Jesus Christ: Just study theology and you will know.
EricChu - Dec 18, 2010 7:24 pm - Voted 5/10
I have decided to give a vote after all......but I'm afraid it can't be more than 5 out of ten. 5 are for your excellent writing and how you tell your story - one really stays with you when reading. The missing five are for going way too far off-topic and for quite shocking generalizing remarks - I think I already told you which - which, apart from being offensive, are just so not SummitPost that I can't "wegdenken" these dark spots in your report.
Please, Wolfgang, write more reports like for instance the one about Gora More-iz - one that really impressed me! I know what you are seeking and I find that great! I always admire people who are not "mainstream"! Don't sully your otherwise fantastic reports with remarks like the ones you put in this report!
Hoping to see more from you, in your personal style, but free of negative generalizations that just don't have any place here on SP,
with best wishes,
Wolfgang Schaub - Dec 19, 2010 1:43 am - Hasn't voted
Re: I have decided to give a vote after all...Has it occurred already to anybody here that this all was not meant seriously?
Amazing to see how everybody here appears to depend on votes. Avid for 10/10s and %. As if mountaineering had something to do with performance and sports.
Political correctness is not my baby.
EricChu - Dec 19, 2010 5:08 am - Voted 5/10
??Sorry Wolfgang, this answer of yours doesn't hold any water at all and is totally and completely beside the point. I think anybody else reading your comment would reply the same thing as I did here.
As Larry hinted in a comment of his, where he asked you if it's all meant humorously, how about adding a couple of smiley emoticons....whether you use these now or not, it all comes down to the famous "Der Ton macht die Musik".
I believe we understand each other...
Wolfgang Schaub - Dec 19, 2010 9:12 am - Hasn't voted
Re: ??You say it, EricChu: Der Ton macht die Musik.
But music is made of a variety of additional elements: melody, harmony, tempo, meter, articulation, dynamics, timbre and texture. I concede I may have a deficit in harmony here, but that is on purpose. It is neither Gregorian music, nor is it Hansi Hinterseer. Maybe it's rap.
lcarreau - Dec 19, 2010 11:49 am - Voted 5/10
Re: ??Well, since my name came up, I should respond.
Wolfgang, the general perception of 'THIS' is it OFFENDS other
people, based on the "timing issue" raised by Bob Sihler.
You chose to give us 'THIS' for Christmas? Couldn't you have
given us something more beautiful, like a colourful piece of
I find it all a bit disturbing. Christmas is a time to LOVE
one other, NOT a time to express our hateful intentions, no
matter how "funny" it may appear in print.
Once again, I am a proponent for personal freedom,
and I CHOOSE to call this report offensive to a number of
readers here on the Big SP.
Does it even matter to you ? Are my words just dust in the wind?
Wolfgang Schaub - Dec 19, 2010 12:03 pm - Hasn't voted
Re: ??Christmas, as far as my calendar tells, is only in one week's time, and if you take the orthodox, it is even 12 days later.
lcarreau - Dec 19, 2010 12:06 pm - Voted 5/10
Re: ??Yes, you can continue to find excuses.
But, the truth remains. You have already offended a significant number of people who chose to read your report.
Wolfgang Schaub - Dec 19, 2010 12:08 pm - Hasn't voted
Re: ??Why are there so many, many more reading it? Far more than usual?
SoCalHiker - Dec 19, 2010 1:55 pm - Voted 1/10
Re: ??Larry, the simple fact that he does not seem to recognize the offensive character and bad timing of his report (to a lot of people I might add) makes it crystal clear that all that matters to him and the sole purpose of this report is to garner attention to himself.
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