The Kandelfels between Eguelshardt and Sturzelbronn

The Kandelfels between Eguelshardt and Sturzelbronn

KANDELFELS : this is the most important sandstone formation, of all the Northern Vosges country ! With a total length of almost 700 meters, the Kandelfels is breaking a record, in the Northern Vosges area ... There is only one small interruption, of only 20 meters ! The main massive is offering to the hikers and to the climbers, numerous verticals walls and rounds cavities ... The site of Kandelfels isn't equiped for praticing the sport of climbing ! This is due to the peregrine falcon, this wild bird, which is breeding and nesting here, almost all the years, between february and july. The site is normally (theorically ! ), closed and forbidden to the public, but if you aren't doing climbing and bouldering, you can walk along the northern walls. An old path is lounging the totality of the rock, but the vegetation is coming to transforming herself, with beeing very dark, wild, junglual and dens ! The southern walls mustn't been looked and visited, because it's here, that the peregrines are breeding and nesting ... The controls of the forestians autorities are very strict, severe here ! If you want absolutely to come here, you can, but at your own risks : the site is situated in the " no-marked " category, and is including a critical and very closed list, of " The Natural Reserve of Northern Vosges " ... The Kandelfels is very, very interesting to see, to visit, and especially, to photography : there are too much things to see here ! So, if you have the possibility of coming here, to the Kandelfels, do it as fast as possible : you will be enhanced, more than you could imagine before !
on Feb 9, 2008 5:58 pm
Image Type(s): Rock Climbing
Image ID: 379508


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