The SPECTRE between Mount Velan and the Cross of Mount Fallère

The SPECTRE between Mount Velan and the Cross of Mount Fallère

SUMMIT and Surroundings WALKING up the SKY and over the MOUNTAINS Amongst the frontally Mount Velan (3734m), the Mont Fallère (3061m) and to the right the Mont Gelé (3518m). MIXEDPICTURE & CHEATINGACTION'sPHOTO by Osw Between May 31th, 1987 (Ascent on Mount Fallère) and June 11th, 1987 (Traverse De la Pierre-Drink-Couiss Points-Grevon's Plateforme-Monpers-Tsa Setze Points toward Tsa Setze Pass)
on Sep 30, 2011 8:14 am
Image Type(s): Alpine Climbing
Image ID: 750150


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