Topographers Glacier Cirque, Arctic Ural

Topographers Glacier Cirque, Arctic Ural

View from near the rim of Slozhny Pass. Topographers Glacier is one of the few surviving glaciers in the Southern part of Arctic Ural (they are present in abundance further North). The glacier is perched in the back of an enormous East-facing cirque of a tributary of Enga-Yu Creek. The ascent route from Enga-Yu to the plateau rim was described as a steep one with a 50-ft rock face, but we found a better variation and got to the mile-wide saddle of Slozhny Pass without even taking our skis off. Now continuing ascent to the South, over Enga-Yu-Iz Mountain. October 1986
Dmitry Pruss
on Oct 31, 2007 12:33 pm
Image Type(s): Skiing
Image ID: 352304


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