Undulations on the wide east ridge of the Breitspitze, with the Ballunspitze in the background

Undulations on the wide east ridge of the Breitspitze, with the Ballunspitze in the background

This photo is typical for much of the broad, undulating east ridge of the Breitspitze. It's taken less than 100m east of the summit, looking further east. In contrast, the Ballunspitze looks more like a serious mountain. Not surprisingly, there is no regular hiking trail up there. However, on the north face (the leg) is a serious Via Ferrata. And from a route description, I learned that the way down is much easier, but still requires scrambling. There was so much to do in the area that I didn't get around to try it though. 26 July 2013.
on Oct 15, 2013 1:28 am
Image Type(s): Hiking,  Informational,  Scenery
Image ID: 872012


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