OfflineA Little About Me
Currently seeking ice climbing partners for Smuggs, Crawford Notch, Mt. Washington, etc. Took a few lessons last winter and really want to keep improving.
My goal for this winter is to do some gully climbing in Huntington Ravine.
In the near future, I want to climb Mt. Hood via Leuthold Couloir or Cooper Spur, and Mt. Rainier by I guess the DC route or Emmons.
I've only been really into mountains since 2009 when I moved to Vermont. We didn't have mountains in South Jersey or Philly, so I just never knew that I liked them.
I love the outdoors and I force myself to go to the climbing gym, which I am actually starting to like, sorta. I am a hiker, slowly picking up technical climbing skills here and there.
My Images
My Mountains & Rocks (1)
- Mount Elmore Worcester Range
My Trip Reports (1)
- Mont Blanc for Flatlanders Mont Blanc
My Plans
- Ice Climbing Partners Needed, VT/NH North Conway -- Anytime
Climber's Logs I've Signed (22)
Mountains & Rocks (22)
- Mount Elmore Worcester Range
- Mount Hunger Worcester Range
- Mount Philo Green Mountains (Vermont)
- Cadillac Mountain Northeast Alpine Peaks
- Chinidere Mt. Columbia Gorge Peaks
- Mount Mitchell Black Mountains
- Iroquois Peak Adirondacks
- Algonquin Peak Adirondacks
- Wright Peak Adirondacks
- Mount Flume Twin & Franconia Ranges
- Mount Liberty Twin & Franconia Ranges
- Mount Jefferson Presidential Range
- Mount Adams Presidential Range
- Mount Washington Presidential Range
- Mount Ellen Green Mountains (Vermont)
- Katahdin Katahdin Group
- Mount Abraham, VT Green Mountains (Vermont)
- Killington Peak Green Mountains (Vermont)
- Camel's Hump Green Mountains (Vermont)
- Mount Mansfield Green Mountains (Vermont)
- Quandary Peak Colorado 14ers
- Mont Blanc Mont Blanc GROUP
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