Vihren refuge (or Vihren hut) was built in 1941.
Enlargements in 1949 and 1963.
There are two massive buildings and 8 two-bed bungalows.
Total of 196 sleeping places.
Electricity and tap water.
Getting there
From Bansko (a town and ski resort in southwestern Bulgaria) there is 16km paved road to the refuge.
A free parking lot.
About 12 BGN (6 EUR) for a sleeping place per night.
Climbing suggestions
I. Vihren (2914 m):
1. Southern approach:
Main route start from Vihren Hut (1950 m), below eastern side of Vihren massif where is also a water spring. During whole route you go on open space, without any forest. This main and classical route is very nice. After 30 min you meat lower rocky part of Vihren massif and after that also a south side of Vihren and beautifully Vlahinjski Ezera (Lakes) below. Than, you reach Vihrenski Preslap plateau. After more1 hour of hiking you reach the pass, from where start final ascent to Vihren summit. The path to the summit is not dangerous, without any special exposed place.
Route: Vihren Hut – Vihren Southern Pass – Vihren (2914 m) summit: 3h
2. Northern approach:
Second solution to reach Vihren summit is from right side of it’s eastern side. During this route you can see impressive N and also W side of Vihren. Going on different path then in first described route, you meat saddle which separate Vihren from Kutelo (2908 m) peak, approximately on 2600 m, more than 300 m belowe the summit, from where start final ascent on W side to Vihren summit. This ascent is little beat more dangerous and exposed on some places, specially in late autumn, winter and early spring, where snow and ice are still on the rocky mountain path. From the saddle the trail continues to the left and in 40 min reaches the summit. During this part of the hike you'll have to scramble over rocks using your hands. There aren't any technical problems but the rocks may be quite slippery if it is raining. Be careful!
Route: Vihren Hut – Vihren/Kutelo saddle – Vihren (2914 m) summit: 3.15h - 3.45h
II. Todorka (2746m):
Southern (classical) approach:
This beautiful route starting from Vihren Hut (1950 m), belowe eastern slopes of Vihren (2914 m) massif. Path continue in direction to Hvoinato Ezero. During this part of path you can enjoy in beautifully meadows and sounds and outlook of small mountain rivers. Beautiful! After approximately 45 minutes you will be near Hvoinato Ezero, where you can take a break for some minutes. Nice place for breakfest or refreshment, short rest. After that path continue to beautiful glacial lake of Pirin - Ribno Ezero (Fish Lake) which is the right invitation for short swimming (during summer). After leaving of Ribno Ezero, very soon you will meat another group of lakes - Banderishki Ezera (lakes).
fter visiting of these lakes, path go up, in right-left-right-left... direction. Whole time during this ascent you'll have better and better view to Ribno Ezero and Banderishki Ezeri (lakes). Paradise for photographers! After more 30 min of hiking you reach grassy/rocky plateau belowe the Todorina Porta ridge. From here ascent continue by hiking/climbing on large granit rocks and after 20 minutes you will reach the summit of Todorina Porta (2702 m). During this ascent on ridge you can enjoy in beautifully Ribno Ezero II and Gorno Ezero and in many peaks which surrounded them. Now, you staying on the summit ridge of Todorka massif and from here starting climbing of two next summits of Todorka - Malka Todorka and Todorin Vrh. You continue your path in that direction (N direction), walking and climbing on rocky ridge. On many places you must use your hands and walk carefully. Path on the ridge goes up and down, up and down. About 20 min you will spend to reach another summit of Todorka massif - Malka Todorka (2712 m). From here you need more 20 min to reach the highest peak of Todorka massif - Todorin Vrh (2746 m).