Hanging by a thread

Hanging by a thread

This particular tree caught my eye almost 3 years ago. I revisited the area recently and it's still hanging in there. It is located just off the Bear River Smiths Fork Trail about 1 mile from the East Fork Bear River Trailhead and .1 mile before the first switchback. The fire occurred in 2002. August-18-2010
on Aug 22, 2010 12:50 pm
Image Type(s): Hiking
Image ID: 652440


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lcarreau - Aug 30, 2010 11:16 pm - Voted 10/10

Wierd and Creepy..

I think that's called a Widow-Maker.

Surprised the wind didn't get it. Is it
sheltered inside a ravine or canyon?

Did you happen to see any wild strawberries
growing in there? Nice picture, Z-J !!

Personal question: Do your kids play football ???


ZeeJay - Aug 31, 2010 12:21 pm - Hasn't voted

Re: Wierd and Creepy..

Hi El,

I see wild strawberry plants all the time, but I never see any with actual strawberries on them.

No football in our family.

The tree does not seem to be particularly sheltered. Some day it will bite the dust, but not yet. Many other trees have fallen across the trail, but these seem to have blown over from their roots vs snapped in two. This is not an area I would want to pitch a tent in.


lcarreau - Aug 31, 2010 11:07 pm - Voted 10/10

Re: Wierd and Creepy..

You're absolutely right.

Do you have to jump over a lot of trees in the Uintas? I guess we can't always trust the Forest Service to keep the access trails clear.

You must have loads of stamina. Please keep
up whatever you're doing, and don't forget
a healthy helping of ripe berries to keep the
leg and heart muscles in order.

Have a nice week, Judy..

And, try not to be so funny ! : )


ZeeJay - Sep 1, 2010 3:14 pm - Hasn't voted

Re: Wierd and Creepy..

Lately I've been finding signs at the trailheads warning people to expect downed trees across the trail. I guess they are trying to fend off complaints, but popular trails always seem to be in good shape.

You have a nice week too.

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