Wyoming Mountain Ranges


Wyoming Mountain Ranges
Page Type Gear Review
Object Title Wyoming Mountain Ranges
Manufacturer by Lorraine G. Bonney
Page By musicman82
Page Type Nov 22, 2009 / Nov 22, 2009
Object ID 6677
Hits 4920

Product Description

This book covers every range and area in Wyoming and gives very extensive geological history of the state. The author, geologist Lorraine Bonney, was the wife of one of the eminent Wyoming explorers and mountaineers of the mid-1900's, Orrin Bonney, and the couple wrote numerous books about the mountains of Wyoming.

The book is split into chapter on the different areas of Wyoming, including Mountains of Jackson Hole, Overthrust Belt, Wind River Range, Desert Mountains, Yellowstone-Absaroka Volcanics, Southeast Corner Mountains, North Central Ranges, and Northeast Corner. There are also chapters on Wyoming wildlife and vegetation.

It also covers much of the history involving the battles in Wyoming between groups who seek to exploit/destroy the wilderness and those who seek to protect it through the setting aside of Parks, National Forests, Wilderness Areas, and other types of areas. The book abounds with spectacular photography that shows the wide variety of settings and landscapes in this unique state.

Product Details

Paperback: 104 pages
Publisher: American Geographic Publishing (June 1987)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0938314270
ISBN-13: 978-0938314271
Product Dimensions: 10.8 x 8.2 x 0.2 inches
Shipping Weight: 11.2 ounces



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musicman82 - Nov 22, 2009 5:06 pm - Voted 5/5

Good book
This is a valuable book for anyone who wants to learn about all of the Wyoming mountains ranges. The pictures are amazing, and Bonney's extensive knowledge of the geology of this state is awesome. However, this leads to the only complaint I have against this book; in my opinion, the lengthy discussions of the historical formation of these ranges are so detailed that wading through page after page of "millions of years ago" can become quite tedious and boring...

Other than that, this is a great resource.

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