Time taken for uploading TRs (pics, text, and both combined)

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Time taken for uploading TRs (pics, text, and both combined)

by lingana » Sat Dec 02, 2017 5:13 am


I had emailed (inboxed) Rob recently with a few suggestions regarding uploading trip reports on SP. He recommended me to write a new post on the feedback section of the forum, where Matt would see it - who would eventually do something about it. So, here it goes - A few improvements, which will help speed up the process of uploading TRs, which otherwise takes a LOT of time....

1 - The "Bulk-uploader" has been very useful in uploading pics in bulk. Thanks to SP. But, on the bulk SP uploader, can there be a way to give a title / header to all pics at once - instead of one-by-one? This could be done for, lets say - 20 pics at a time. This will be extremely useful instead of selecting pics one-by-one using the mouse, and giving it respective headings.
2 - However, after having uploaded the pics, when I want to attach "certain pics" to a TR, I need to select all pics (usually there are 18 on the page) one-by-one. It would be great, if there could be a "Select All Pics" button. This would help me select all 18, and attach it to the TR - at one go! Selecting 18 pics on one page is cumbersome, and moreover - if I have 10 such pages (180 pics or more), it is highly time-consuming, for no reason whatsoever. I think - a "Select All" button on that page would be very beneficial.
3 - The text and pics (when inserted in a TR) seem to go out of > alignment, every time I upload a pic - which means - when I hit "submit changes", the alignment of the pics and the text completely goes haywire, which needs to be modified again by going into "Edit Page"option. Don't know the reason but it would be great if this could be optimized a little bit.

Usually, when I write TRs on my Himalayan climbs, I have a lot of pics, and it takes quite a while (read - a couple of days' effort) for me to finish the entire process of uploading the text, uploading the pics (giving them titles individually), attaching them to the TR, and then - inserting them within the text, before the TR gets ready to be published on the site.

I don't know if other members on SP have faced this, but I would really appreciate if this process could be optimized a bit. And, I am sure it will save everybody a lot of time, while uploading their respective TRs.


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Re: Time taken for uploading TRs (pics, text, and both combi

by mvs » Sun Dec 03, 2017 5:35 pm

Wow, it's cool to see the bulk uploader mentioned...I didn't know if anyone still used it...

It's a one-off application I built years ago...I think I've even lost the source code :(. One tip though...if you embed metadata for title and description in the pictures, then the bulk uploader reads those to populate the fields. Perhaps in your workflow, you can select all of the photos at once and set the title for all selected pics (in Windows, maybe right clicking after selecting a directory full of files...you might see a title field you could set). If you succeed with that, then the bulk uploader should gamely play along and fill in the titles from the input files. Maybe this helps...all the best...

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