Standard route from Hoare Hut

Standard route from Hoare Hut

Page Type Page Type: Route
Location Lat/Lon: 33.49588°S / 19.39602°E
Additional Information Route Type: Walk (scramble?)
Additional Information Time Required: Most of a day
Additional Information Difficulty: a looooong walk
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This route starts in Hoare Hut. For directions there ask the UCT Mountain Club

Route Description

Retrace your steps to Pells Hut (15 minutes). From there follow the path east that crosses the Pells river, and continue up a gentle slope, with the path heading up a saddle between a little conical hill (on the left) and a fairly large rocky peak. The saddle (known as the Croquet Green) is fairly large, grassy, and almost perfectly flat. The path starts going down on the other side - don't follow it. Look for a faint path to the right, past the rocky peak. This path traverses around the deep valley you see in front of you. It's faint, but it's essential you find it and stay on it.
After an hour to hour and a half, when you're on the other side of the valley, the path desceds two steep gullies. These can only be crossed if you're on the path. At the end of the second one, you'll find yourself in an awesome neck with spectacular views of Horseshe Peak, Fonteintjiesberg and Jan du Toit's Kloof.
Here the path gets even fainter - it traverses on the western side of the outcrop in front of you, follows up a ridge, and goes over 3 hills. Look for cairns to guide you when path becomes indistinct. Over the third hill you'll see Perry Refuge - the emergency shelter. Here the path ends, but you're at the foot of Sentinel Peak. Getting this far should take anything between 3 and 5 hours. From here on there is no path.
From Perry you'll see a huge screeslope going up the Sentinel - don't go up. Instead walk just to the right of it, and traverse left when you reach its top. Scramble up the rocks in front of you to realise you're on top.
On Sentinel

If you're going back to Hoare, retrace your steps.

Essential Gear

In summer there in no water between Hoare Hut and Perry Refuge.
Carry warm clothes with you - it's snowed there in the middle of summer.

Miscellaneous Info

If you have information about this route that doesn't pertain to any of the other sections, please add it here.



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