View back along Toe of Athabasca Glacier Hike

View back along Toe of Athabasca Glacier Hike

Hike to the Toe of the Athabasca Glacier This is a good look back to the rather large lake at the base of the glacier, parking lot across from the Icefields Centre and the start of the hike. This is pretty much the level section that curves around but the trail does get a bit steeper and much rockier. You are starting at 6500 feet. September 12, 2011
on Feb 8, 2012 12:21 am
Image ID: 775467


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lcarreau - Feb 9, 2012 1:18 pm - Voted 10/10

Motorhomes ..

Kathy, how far away is the campground?

Is it all located in the same area? Do they
have a gas station nearby?


silversummit - Feb 9, 2012 2:32 pm - Hasn't voted

Re: Motorhomes ..

The nearest RV campground is at least an hour away I think. And gas is at least that far maybe. Services are very, very limited on the Icefields Parkway which is one of the reasons I loved it so much! It felt like you were traveling through a more rural area most of the time!

We knew we had a long day so we packed a nice picnic lunch but there are a couple restaurants/cafeteria places that get very crowded with tour groups.


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