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Storzic West ridge (Zrelo)

Page Type Page Type: Route
Location Lat/Lon: 46.31612°N / 14.33822°E
Additional Information Route Type: Hiking
Seasons Season: Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter
Additional Information Time Required: Half a day
Additional Information Difficulty: easy climbing
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Storzic from the NW - Zrelo route
Storžič from the NW - through the big ravine (Žrelo) our route goes.
haubi - a scene from winter ascent
The route through Žrelo is the fastest approach on Storžič from the north. Most of the time it is a steep path, on many places secured with cables and pegs. So, it can be best described as an easy ferrata. By Austrian scale, difficulty grading for ferrata would be A.

Till the main ridge (west) it goes along a distinct ravine and is not very panoramic. The section by the west ridge is very nice and panoramic.

Altitude difference: 1010 m.
Time: 3 h for ascent (2 h till the W ridge, 1 h by the ridge on top).

The tour can be best combined with the North ridge (Škarjev rob) descent.


The starting point for Žrelo route is the Dom pod Storžičem (1123 m) (hut), on the north side of Storžič. You drive there by car from Tržič town. For more information how to get there, check the main page of Storžič.

Route Description

Map of path from Dom pod...
Zrelo route at Storzic
Branko - In the middle section
Storzic NW ascent (Zrelo)
Secured crossing
From Dom pod Storžičem you first go by the marked path towards Storžič, crossing the meadow above (SE of) the hut. On paths inscriptions you will still find the three destinations: Poljana meadow (goes right), Storžič via Škarjev rob (goes left) and Storžič via Žrelo (goes straight). So, some care is needed that after some 100 meters you deter from the more visible path on Škarjev rob and go right (straight towards the mountain) towards Žrelo. Then orientation issues are over till the top.

A well beaten path leads us through the woods in a south-eastern direction, towards the walls of Storžič. The big ravine of Žrelo is clearly seen, cutting the walls till the summit (W) ridge. Then the path crosses the overgrown scree fields towards the left and in some 10 minutes brings us to the entry into the ravine. Actually it never descends down into the ravine, but all the time stays on its right (west) edge. There climbing up starts. The path is well marked, well beaten, but all the time steep and on some places also a bit exposed. In many turns it goes up the forrested, rocky slopes, using the easiest passages. Soon some sections are so steep, that the path is secured by cables, and you also alwas also use tree roots which are cleaned as holds. You move high above the ravine, until approaching the main ridge. There only the path crosses left and approaches the ravine. There are a few secured sections again.

The uppermost part of the route is sunny, and you go straight up. You steeply ascend to the rocks below the main ridge, a cable helps you to overcome them and you exit on the west ridge of Storžič (Psica), on some 1800 m. From the right, the secured, marked path, which crosses the whole ridge, joins.

On Storzic summit ridge (W)
By the summit ridge
On the ridge you turn left and the path soon enters the distinct rocky step of the ridge. A good, easy traverse takes you left up, then cables again help you to climb straight up. Here, the rocky slopes are even hanging towards the north. This section is secured till it gains the main ridge again. There the ridge flattens considerably, but is quite narrow. The path goes by it, or slightly below, on the right (southern) side. There are not much ups and downs, a beautiful, panoramic path brings you on the fore summit, and a few minutes later on the main summit, to the big cross.

You best descend by the northern ridge, over Škarjev rob, doing so a very nice round tour.

Essential Gear

haubi - Winter ascent
Good hiking shoes, poles.

For ascent in winter conditions, a complete winter equipment is needed.

PDF Downloads

- Click to download a suitable A5 printout of this route description in Slovenian language!

- Click to download a suitable A5 printout of this route description in English language!



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