
Page Type Page Type: Route
Location Lat/Lon: 44.64240°N / 15.04330°E
Additional Information Route Type: Hike
Additional Information Time Required: Less than two hours
Additional Information Difficulty: Walk up
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About Route

If ascended as main goal from the coast Zecjak is real tough bite that requires 5.30h to reach! But probably rarely someone does it this way. It is usually very nice half day trip from 1.30h distant Alan hut. First 30mins are like going towards Satorina, 10mins to Alan pass plus 20mins till junction towards Zecjak using Premuziceva Staza path. Along the way scenery is tame and very beautiful as you go over soft meadows, nice beech groves or forest and finally over panoramic ridge to the summit of Zecjak.

Alan hut – Zecjak: 1.30h

It takes 10min to get to Alan pass from Alan hut. From the Alan pass, where Premuziceva Staza crosses from North to Mid Velebit, go right by the monument to Alan detachment from WW II. Path traverses horizontally northern slopes of Buljma (1451m). After first 10mins through beech forest path leaves it and continues over the grassy slopes. On the left is beautiful view towards grassy basin Mirevo. In another 10mins you are on Vrata pass where fantastic view opens towards sea and islands, especially Rab. Here is junction you need where is left towards Zecjak (1622m) whose heads you can see on the left above beech forested slopes. Premuziceva Staza continues straight behind the pass.

From junction path approaches forested slopes over meadows at SE corner of Mirevo called Bilo. In some 10mins path reaches beech forest and begins to ascend toward left. After 15mins you on grassy pass above the forest where is junction. Left is some 5mins to the summit of Sosin Vrh (1552m) from which is nice view towards Mirevo.

Path continues to ascent towards Zecjak going right. Now you are on panoramic ridge from which is fantastic view towards sea and North Velebit. Through stunted beeches and dwarf pine in some 20mins path reaches first head in the ridge. Before next head there is slight descent and ascent. You are there in 10mins. Next summit is Zecjak, before it there is another slight descent and ascent which you do in next 5mins.



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