Apparently the signpost couldn't handle the weight of all the snow earlier in the year

Apparently the signpost couldn't handle the weight of all the snow earlier in the year

This is an important trail junction on the northwestern side of Lago del Sabbione. As there is still a lot of snow on the slopes, the trail itself isn't clear, and the higher up, the harder it will be to recognize it. Right now that's not really a problem. I'm going spend the night at the dam at the north side of the lake, and after I dropped my gear earlier on, I'm just enjoying a short stroll. After the dam, the trail following the shores has gradually ascended a little. Not much, maybe 50 m. After this junction, one trail roughly keeps following the shoreline, descending a bit, the other one goes uphill. Since that's where I want to go tomorrow, I explored the upper trail for a bit. It soon disappeared altogether beneath the snow. 25 June 2013.
on Jan 24, 2014 10:06 am
Image Type(s): Hiking,  Informational
Image ID: 884584


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