East Bohemian sandstones

East Bohemian sandstones

Czech Republic, Europe
Page Type Page Type: List
Additional Information County: Nachodsko
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Lezecky krouzek Piskovec

  This is small and back-up support list for the present and future Bohemian sandstone geomorphological uploads.
Area covered here is located in todays eastern Bohemia in Czech Republic (CZ is regionally divided into western part called Bohemia and eastern called Morava). This part of Bohemia is also sometimes called Nachodsko. Weathered sandstone formations were discovered long time ago, however, during the past decades they have remained out of sight for Westerners, as did so many natural resorts located behind the iron curtain. Typical case is the so called 'Saxon Switzerland' sandstone area in former DDR/GDR (German Democratic Republic)

Names given were typed in original Czech script whenever possible. If you see garbage, choosing View/Enconding/Central European in your browser should, hopeffuly, help

Site name

Brief description

Getting there

Prachovské skály

Natural preserve since 1933., this rock area includes over 200 sandrock towers. Historical place for Czech climbers, this is where Jicin students founded the oldest climbing club  in Czech republic
climbing information

By car via I/16 from Jicin, at Holine turn for Prachov and drive till Turisticka chata, and from there till the Skalni mesto hotel.

Adršpašské skály

 Smaller part of the Teplicko-adršpašské skály (Teplice-Adršpach rock area) which is the largest National park in Czech Republic. Sandstone fins eroded into many interesting rock formations by water, wind and frost. One of the most important climbing areas in the Czech Republic, first registered climbs  in 1923. by Richard Eichler
Photographs and brief description of climbing routes in Czech

Drive till Adršpach-Dolni Adršpach, large parking lot some 300m from the sandstone area. By bus, board the Broumov-Adršpach line, take of at the 'Adršpach-skály' stop. By train, Teplice nad Metuji-Trutnov, take of at Adršpach stop.

Teplické skály

Larger part of the Teplicko-adršpašské skály, hosting modst difficult climbing routes off Eastern Bohemia. Nearby town and logistical center Teplice nad Metuji is hosting every July the International Festival  of climbing movies
climbing information in czech

Drive to Teplice nad Metuji and follow the westbound road for Dolni Adršpach till Strmenské podhradí (large parking lot). By train, Teplice nad Metuji-Trutnov till 'Teplice nad Metuji-skály' stop. By bus, line no. 640 111 Broumov-Adršpach

Hruboskalsko (Skalák)

 Part of the Bohemian paradise protected nature reserve,with  rock towers reaching the height of up to 60 m and by steep canyons leading from rock edges to deep romantic valleys. Best known sites Mariánská vyhlídka (Mary's Viewpoint), U Lvíèka (At the Lion), and Janova vyhlídka (John's Viewpoint), Èertova ruka (Devil's Hand), Kapelník (Conductor), Maják (Lighthouse), Taktovka (Baton), Draèí skály (Dragon's Rocks) and s the 65 m long Myší díra (Mouse Hole).
climbing information

Drive till Turnov (town on the main Liberec-Hradec Kralove road). From here, by foot either from the Turnov-mesto railway station (6km), or from the Hrubá Skála train stop follow the marked path for Hrubá Skála castle

Borecké skály

'Recommended trip starts at the Rovensko square. Follow the blue trail in the direction of Borek pod Troskami. Turn right from the main road, cross the Vaclavsky brook and ascend between houses to the edge of the town. Follow the blue trail along a path, cross a meadow and enter a forest where you are sure to notice the sign of the nature reserve. Walk through a smallish interesting rock terrain which is called Borecke skaly - the Rocks of Borek. The sandstone plateau near the hill called Bor is topped by a 20-50 m high rock face'


Drábovna (Maloskalsko)

 Smaller rock area near Malé Skály.

 Close to Drabovny

Drábské svetnicky

 most important out of  five rock formations at mt. Mužský



 rocky south face of the Sokol  peak. Also a pilgrim site


Klokocske skály

 Kdy¾ si vyberete první mo¾nost, budete pokraèovat po ¾luté znaèce po okraji Klokoèských skal. Skály jsou tvoøeny prvohorními svrchnokøídovými pískovci o mocnosti a¾ 60 m, které byly vyzdvi¾eny do plo¹iny zakonèené asi 1600 m dlouhou skalní stìnou. Klokoèské a Betlémské skály tvoøí pøírodní rezervaci o rozloze 228 ha.

 8 and half km fromTurnov

Suché skály

 One of the most attractive geomorfological sites in Central/Eastern Europe.Giant organs-like shaped wall, made of hard sandstone that allows climbing immediately after rain. Because of its look and feel rather then geology, also known as  Czech Dolomites. National nature reserve since 1965.



 Rocky mountain 700 m high, located between Broumovské stény and Jestrebý Hory. Nature reserve since 1956

 3km north of Police nad Metuji

Križový vrch

 Hill (667m) near the Adršpach village, offering many rock-climbing possibilities of all difficulties. The hill is the nature preserve. On the top there is view-point with beautiful view to Adršpach rock town, mountain Buková hora, and the Vraní mountains

 Approx 1km from the Adršpach railway stop and Skalni Mesto parking lot

Broumovské stény

12 km long, partially very narrow ridge, with some unique sandrock formations caused by the unequal erosion of sandstone (Skalní høiby/ Rocky muschrooms) National nature reserve since 1956

Both Police nad Metují and Broumov are convinient access points.

Koruna/Božanovský špicák

 Božanovský Špièák (773m) and Koruna (789m), are, actuallz, major peaks and view points of the above Broumovské stény

 same as above

Related links
At Summitpost.org:
Czech sandstones: Krizovy Vrch, Adrspassko-Teplické Skaly
'Saxon Switzerland'
Srbsko climbing area

Czech mountains
rocks in the czech republic
czech climbing portal
CZ-English dictionary of climbing terms
'Czech Switzerland/Saxon Switzerland' webpage



Children refers to the set of objects that logically fall under a given object. For example, the Aconcagua mountain page is a child of the 'Aconcagua Group' and the 'Seven Summits.' The Aconcagua mountain itself has many routes, photos, and trip reports as children.



Parents refers to a larger category under which an object falls. For example, theAconcagua mountain page has the 'Aconcagua Group' and the 'Seven Summits' asparents and is a parent itself to many routes, photos, and Trip Reports.