In the Pyrenees, like in the rest of the planet, the glaciers are moving back. The glaciers of the Pyrenees are some of the most danger of disappearing. In the middle of the XIXth century 1800 hectares of ice existed in the Pyrenees, in the year 1990 600 hectares existed and nowadays, in the year 2006 300 hectares exist. In only 15 years it has eliminated 50 % of ice. It is calculated that for 2012 100 hectares will stay what means that if it continues this way, the glaciers of the Pyrenees will have disappeared completely between 2015 and 2020.
These are some of the glaciers: Aneto, Monte Perdido, Posets, La Paul, Vignemale, Maladeta, Marboré, Taillon...
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