Grays Peak Climber's Log

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jerky1280 - Jun 12, 2017 2:48 pm Date Climbed: Jun 11, 2017

Grays and Torreys  Sucess!

Great hike up. Lots of snow, gorgeous!


kronshage3 - Apr 17, 2017 9:46 pm Date Climbed: Nov 23, 2016

Gray's + Torrey's Combo  Sucess!

Started around 7AM. Was able to make it all the way to trailhead. There was a few inches of snow on the road, however. Did the standard combo route by ascending Gray's first then crossing the saddle to Torrey's. Followed a separate trail down from the bottom of saddle. No need for snowshoes. Did not bring crampons, but would have been nice on a few sections. LOTS of wind on the saddle and Torrey's summit. Back at car around 2PM.


skorpeo - Dec 14, 2016 12:14 am Date Climbed: Jun 18, 2014

Good day  Sucess!



droot - Aug 28, 2016 10:52 am Date Climbed: Aug 27, 2016

Grays and Torreys via Kelso Ridge  Sucess!

Climbed both Grays and Torreys by Kelso ridge. Parking lot was full by about 4am on a Saturday. Had the mountain to ourselves the entire way up Kelso ridge, but could see the lines of people heading up the standard route. Kelso ridge was a blast, had a little route finding mishap near the top and managed to somehow completely circumnavigate the knife edge. Once at the top of Torreys it was crowds of people all the way to Grays and down. Lots of snow in late August made for some slippery conditions from all the packed snow. 500+ people on the mountain made for some traffic jams on the way down.


BLBonnet - Jun 13, 2016 4:11 pm Date Climbed: Aug 10, 2013

Second time was the charm!  Sucess!

Originally attempted a summit during March - DO NOT attempt to climb this mountain during March unless you have at least SOME climbing experience. The road to the base was impassable by car and added an extra 4 miles to the trip. My family had to turn around only a mile up the mountain (granted we're from Oklahoma, so we're not the most experienced mountaineers).

That being said it was a very easy climb in August - my very inexperienced family managed to make it up and down in a couple of hours. It was relatively crowded the entire way up, but the hike itself was very fun. I was able to walk over and bag torrey's peak as well - I got down the mountain maybe an hour after the rest of my family.


mancopa - Oct 23, 2015 2:21 pm Date Climbed: Sep 28, 2015

Grays and Torreys  Sucess!

A great day. Pretty easy hike considering I came from sea level. 6th fourteener to date.


damgaard - Oct 11, 2015 9:58 am Date Climbed: Sep 28, 2015

Torrey (Kelso) + Gray  Sucess!

After having climbed Mt. Sneffels and Crag Crest the days before, the views around Torrey's and Gray's were less impressive, but still a pretty fun climb up Kelso ridge to Torreys and down via normal route on Gray's.

tripman1 - Sep 10, 2015 6:01 pm Date Climbed: Sep 5, 2015

Grays in the Snow  Sucess!

Snow and fog, but not too bad.


buzzdainer - Aug 30, 2015 8:54 pm Date Climbed: Aug 30, 2015

North slopes with Torreys  Sucess!

Did the standard route from the Grays Peak Trailhead. Did Grays first, then across to Torreys. Great day!


mgriffin015 - Aug 14, 2015 1:10 pm Date Climbed: Aug 8, 2015

Cold August day on Grays and Torreys  Sucess!

Cold, cloudy day, usually I summit in a t shirt but the clouds stayed low and had to stay bundled up. Great views once the clouds cleared and super nice trail, about 300+ people on the trail on a saturday, but I guess that comes with being a popular route close to the city


jdmorehouse - Aug 8, 2015 10:35 am Date Climbed: Aug 7, 2015

Grays and Torreys  Sucess!

Although a Friday, the trail was covered with people, their dogs, and children.

chubbles365 - Jul 18, 2015 11:36 am Date Climbed: Jul 12, 2015

First 14er  Sucess!

Had to park about a mile and a half down the road. Great weather on the way up. Planned to climb Torrey's also but the weather wasn't looking good so I descended the way I came. About an hour after leaving the summit the thunderstorms rolled in. Hiked the last 3 miles in the rain. Great day on the mountain though. Can't wait to climb more.


Hiker4life - Jul 14, 2015 9:16 pm Date Climbed: Jul 28, 2010

Nice two-fer with Torreys  Sucess!

Finally checked off the ever popular Grays and Torreys.


chicagotransplant - Nov 2, 2014 7:03 pm Date Climbed: Nov 1, 2014

Stevens Gulch Trio  Sucess!

Edwards, Grays and Torreys together from Stevens Gulch trailhead solo. Road open and clear (might change with snow in the forecast!). Lower trail dry, but snow packed up higher, traction can come in handy.

rockymountain_guac - Oct 22, 2014 8:13 pm Date Climbed: Jun 14, 2014

It had been a while  Sucess!

Didnt do any climbing all winter. Wont make that mistake again. Was a wonderful day out with the girlfriend.


mjp20k - Sep 15, 2014 2:09 pm Date Climbed: Jun 27, 2013

Along with Torreys  Sucess!

Via connecting ridge with Torreys


Cisco1974 - Sep 10, 2014 7:33 pm

Chaplain Hike 2  Sucess!

Our base chaplain at FAMC took a bunch of us to hike this peak in the summer of 1995. I was in the best shape I had been in since I had wrestled in high school and I still had difficulty with this one. I remember taking three steps and stopping to catch my breath. We saw mountain goats with kids. When we got to the top I remember smoking a cigarette! Man! We ran most of the way down after we got out of the rocks.


Moogie737 - Aug 25, 2014 5:09 pm Date Climbed: Aug 10, 2014

A dusting of white on Grays  Sucess!

Enjoyed this one just like I have enjoyed all of the 14ers I've had the privilege to climb. What's not to like? And the Gesellschaft! Fabelhaft.


Onager - Aug 17, 2014 2:33 pm Date Climbed: Aug 16, 2014

Easy hike from Torreys  Sucess!

My 10th and 11th Fourteeners and Kieva's 3rd & 4th Fourteener! Kieva and I hit the approach trail at 4:00 am and made it back to the trailhead at 11:15 am. We climbed Torreys Peak via the Kelso Ridge, a class 3 rock climb with a ton of exposure. We climbed some class 4 rock as well and had to cross a "Knife Edge" towards the end of the ridge, a section that you must carefully navigate because it was only inches wide. We summited Torreys Peak and then took an easy trail up neighboring 14er Grays Peak. An awesome climb.


yadahzoemtn - Aug 16, 2014 8:50 pm Date Climbed: Aug 10, 2014

Grays and Torreys  Sucess!


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