Grays Peak Climber's Log

Viewing: 21-40 of 530

eferesen - Oct 13, 2019 9:41 pm Date Climbed: Oct 5, 2019

Blustery Day  Sucess!

I started early and was not sure if I could make it. I somehow made it to the top. I am still wondering how it happened. I was not motivated and my sinuses were just bringing me down. The wind was brutal. All in all it was great experience. Met great folks on the trail


JesseSumrak - Sep 29, 2019 12:29 pm Date Climbed: Sep 28, 2019

Grays and Torreys BDay Climb  Sucess!

What better way to celebrate the day before your birthday? Started at 4am and summited Grays around 6:30. At about mile 2, began to see snow bordering the trail, and then it quickly began accumulating. Got up to around 2-3 inches before the summit. Then, bagged Torreys right after sunrise before bombing down.

williama3 - Aug 17, 2019 5:02 pm Date Climbed: Aug 17, 2019

Grays Peak via South-Southeast Ridge  Sucess!

Great day in the mountains. Started at Shoe Basin Mine and hiked up Peru Creek Road to trail 9174, Peruvian Mine. Followed the 9174 trail up to Peruvian Mine then continued climbing up to the East ridge of Ruby Mountain. We then traversed over to Grays South-Southeast ridge and ascended up to Grays Peak. We descended via the East Slope back to the Shoe Basin Mine.


birdhead - Jul 29, 2019 7:51 pm Date Climbed: Jul 29, 2019

After Torreys  Sucess!

Hiked to the summit after doing Kelso Ridge route on Torreys. I got a late start on a weekday so there was only one other person on the summit - a rarity I’m sure! Nothing spectacular but the view is pretty good. Jogged down to the car. 4:18 car-to-car for both peaks. Oh yeah, random items people lost on the trail that were returned to the trailhead: a glove, a hat, a dog leash, a single crampon, and a jar of weed. The last two may be related.


cascadescrambler - Jul 26, 2019 8:56 pm Date Climbed: Aug 18, 1987

Grays Peak  Sucess!

Part of a three-fer with Torreys and Kelso. No one on the mountain but us in those days. It was still a wilderness experience.


halfotinos - Jun 15, 2019 9:53 am Date Climbed: Sep 13, 2012

Nice Hike  Sucess!

Nice hike with great views, especially with some snow on the ground.


eli.boardman - Dec 27, 2018 10:36 am Date Climbed: Aug 28, 2016

August snowstorm  Sucess!

Traversed from Torreys in summer snow


huskertriguy - Sep 23, 2018 10:11 pm Date Climbed: Sep 22, 2018

Easy walk-up  Sucess!

Easy walk up, even after 5 hours' sleep in 2 nights and 3 consecutive days heavy drinking (thank you GABF). Much colder and windier on Grays than on Torreys. I was very surprised at the number of people. Although we started around 5 a.m., it was a bit of a conga line and we met quite a few people heading up even when we got back to the trailhead around 11:30 (we spent about an hour on the summit of Torreys).

Also, I counted at least 8 people playing music through external speakers, either on their phones or via Bluetooth. If you are this person...don't.


BKiser90 - Sep 15, 2018 5:05 pm Date Climbed: Sep 15, 2018

Torreys then Grays  Sucess!

4th 14er. Perfect sunny day. Not too hot, not too cold. No wind.


Culebra - Sep 13, 2018 3:55 pm Date Climbed: Sep 18, 2016

Grays Peak  Sucess!

My first 14er.


brichardsson - Aug 29, 2018 4:32 pm Date Climbed: Jul 9, 2018

torreys & grays link up  Sucess!

up kelso ridge then down grays' standard route. fun lollipop.

Ted Bauer

Ted Bauer - Jul 30, 2018 1:18 pm Date Climbed: Jul 27, 2018

Cali to Colorado  Sucess!

Lifted off from Palm Springs at 8:30 pm. Landed In Denver at 10:30. Got to the hotel in Georgetown around 2:00 a.m. Woke up at 4:00 hit the trail by 5:15 am. Managed to summit both Grays and Torreys. Not certain if it was lack of sleep or the altitude, but it was a tough day.


DukeJH - Jul 17, 2018 2:17 pm Date Climbed: Jul 9, 2018

Kelso Ridge and Grays Link Up  Sucess!

Ascent via Kelso Ridge (tons of fun). Linked up Grays and descended via North Slopes.


davidsanger - Jul 15, 2018 8:39 pm Date Climbed: Jul 14, 2018

With hundreds of my closest friends

Got to the parking lot at 5:30 and it was full, parked a few hundred feet below by the side of the road. Steady climb with lots of people on the trial and summit. Skipped Torrey's because of clouds and time.

Jerry L

Jerry L - Jun 10, 2018 12:56 pm Date Climbed: Jun 10, 2018

Done  Sucess!

Climbed this one first with my dog in 2.5 hours to summit. Then about 45 minutes to Torreys. Total time for the day was 5 hours.


ToTheHeights - Feb 13, 2018 8:17 pm

Kelso  Sucess!

07/15 w/Cory Martin

Via Torrey's and Kelso Ridge


Wheelbarrow - Feb 5, 2018 10:13 pm Date Climbed: May 23, 2017

Broke my own trail  Sucess!

First CO 14er of many

trexkerry - Dec 31, 2017 8:58 pm Date Climbed: Jul 19, 2017

Grays + Torreys  Sucess!

Standard route

Super Dave

Super Dave - Dec 17, 2017 7:58 pm Date Climbed: Dec 14, 2017

Fresh dusting of snow on Grays and Torreys  Sucess!

After some fresh snow the night before, I had the area to myself. Was able to follow the trail most of the time, but lost it occasionally due to snow drifts. Super windy up high made for quite the adventure. Blue skies and beautiful. Parked about a mile below the summer trailhead. 8 hours round trip for both peaks. Trip Report


tjburr - Jul 11, 2017 8:20 pm Date Climbed: Jun 26, 1999

Grays Peak (6/26/1999)  Sucess!

There were many people on the mountain this day. One guy from the midwest was carrying a jacket in a plastic grocery store bag. Every mountain is different every day. We live in a world of continual change. In good weather, Grays can be an easy climb. With wind and snow, it is more challenging.

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