Hallett Peak Climber's Log

Viewing: 41-60 of 135
Senad Rizvanovic

Senad Rizvanovic - Sep 2, 2010 11:05 pm Date Climbed: Sep 2, 2010

From Flattop  Sucess!

Nice hike thru Taylor Peak.

Bjaye16 - Aug 18, 2010 2:40 pm Date Climbed: Sep 24, 2003

windy and wonderful  Sucess!

After climbing Flattop, we ate lunch and then summited Hallet. It was worth the effort. Awesome views. Great day hike. Was pretty windy at the top that day.


jczog - Aug 10, 2010 9:18 pm Date Climbed: Aug 10, 2010

Windy! Fun Trip!  Sucess!

Fun hike with lots to explore. Glaciers provided a nice break from the wind, and combined with a hop over to Ptarmigan Point, this made a good outing.


CSUMarmot - Aug 1, 2010 11:16 pm Date Climbed: Aug 13, 2006

Not to make light of it...  Sucess!

But its really not a great mountain for all the traffic it receives

Garon Coriz

Garon Coriz - Jul 21, 2010 11:11 pm Date Climbed: Jul 16, 2010

Great First Outing in RMNP  Sucess!

Great Dihedral (5.7), Finch Route (5.8), then boulder hopping to the top. We saw a 5 and 7-year-old at the top with their mom and dad. They'd done the entire trail on their own feet and were still chasing butterflies at the summit! Cute little things.

Pete Castricone

Pete Castricone - Jun 8, 2010 9:16 pm Date Climbed: Jun 5, 2010

Never take the standard route  Sucess!

A little improv and spontaneous decision making turned into an incredible day. From Bear Lake to Lake Haiyaha, up an unknown couloir to Hallett, and then down Tyndall...after some serious winds that is. An awesome partner made this one of the best trips ever.

ripper333 - Jun 7, 2010 12:27 pm Date Climbed: Jun 5, 2010

HA  Sucess!

a bit of a nav mishap turned out to be all goodness.. ended up at Lake Haiyaha and blazing trail up to some interesting looking cooley.. from the map looks like we were in chaos canyon.. once topped out realized we werent in tyndall gorge as planned :0
but all good.. booted up hallets, scrambled down the backside in uncivilized wind, I was taken off my feet more than once. Headed over to Flattop, dropped in Tyndall Glacier and made some well earned turns all the way to Emerald Lake.. then Flattop Trail out.. DAMN FINE DAY!


dacom - Feb 10, 2010 12:16 am Date Climbed: Sep 6, 2009

Enjoyable  Sucess!

We enjoyed this hike!! Great views from the summit!


catullus - Feb 8, 2010 3:29 pm Date Climbed: Feb 7, 2010

foggy  Sucess!

Foggy day. No view at all from the summit. Still fun though. Got back to Boulder in time to watch the Super Bowl.

Brian Kalet

Brian Kalet - Sep 29, 2009 11:40 pm Date Climbed: Sep 27, 2009

Standard Route  Sucess!

With Flattop, Otis, Taylor & Powell.


tomlauren - Sep 27, 2009 4:17 pm Date Climbed: Sep 26, 2009

Flattop - Ptarmigan Pt - Hallett - Otis  Sucess!

From Bear Lake, hiked up Flattop Mtn, Ptarmigan Pt, Hallett Pk, and Otis Pk, descending Andrews Glacier. Most people's image of Hallett Pk is of the vertical north face rising above Emerald Lake. The north face is actually just part of a long ridge that runs northeast for over a mile from Hallett's summit.


sync - Sep 3, 2009 1:46 pm Date Climbed: Aug 29, 2009

Tyndall Glacier  Sucess!

Ascent via Tyndall Glacier. My first snow climb! Had a thunderstorm roll through about 2/3 the way up the glacier that scared the daylights out of me, but the rest of the day was very nice. It's a grueling hike from Emerald Lake to the base of the glacier, but a great feeling to be deep in the park away from the standard trails.


PellucidWombat - Sep 1, 2009 5:04 pm Date Climbed: Aug 28, 2009

Nice easy peak  Sucess!

Hiked from TH to summit via the standard trail over Flat Top's summit (1:30 hrs). Couldn't tell where Flat Top's summit actually was, so I cut off from the trail junction to climb Hallet (2-2:30), and then back across the plateau to climb Ptarmigan Pt (3:00) before descending, with a RT time of 4:20 hrs. Nice trail!


armorfoot - Aug 10, 2009 5:21 pm Date Climbed: Jul 10, 2008

Good hike  Sucess!

Actually not crowded for a weekend.

Stu Brandel

Stu Brandel - Jul 13, 2009 8:44 pm Date Climbed: Jul 6, 2009

A Memorable Day  Sucess!

A great morning to summit via Flattop Trail followed by descent of Andrews Glacier.


dirth - Jul 7, 2009 4:11 pm Date Climbed: Jul 4, 2009

4th of July Sidetrip  Sucess!

Took a quick side trip and hiked over from flattop on our way north and across the divide. Good views, looks like there are some really fun routes on this guy.


dakotaconcrete - Jun 1, 2009 1:39 am Date Climbed: Jul 15, 1993

My inspiration  Sucess!

I can't remember the route but I hiked this with my family on vacation quite some time ago, I was maybe 11 years old and unacclimated, made for an interesting but nauseating summit. The experience apparently had an enormous effect on me considering I returned to live in Colorado some 16 years later!


ChrisHunley - Mar 27, 2009 5:38 pm Date Climbed: Aug 2, 2008

Via Flattop  Sucess!

Easy combo from Flattop

Drewsmith - Mar 5, 2009 8:27 pm Date Climbed: Jul 27, 1979

Great summit

Climbed Flattop and Hallett. Beautiful hike


gbrady - Dec 7, 2008 7:31 pm Date Climbed: Aug 14, 1979

Beautiful Mountain

Once you climb Flat top, you might as well climb this peak.

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