Mount Elbert Climber's Log

Viewing: 681-700 of 767

RyanS - Apr 12, 2004 12:20 pm

Route Climbed: Mount Elbert Trail Date Climbed: September 15, 2002  Sucess!

Erin was good enough to repeat Elbert with me. With this peak, hers and my 14er counts were finally equal! A gorgeous day to be atop Colorado.


chip00 - Apr 6, 2004 11:59 am

Route Climbed: Mt. Elbert Trail Date Climbed: July 22, 2003  Sucess!

I climbed with my wife Janet, 21 y/o daughter Emily, and 17 y/o son Robert. We left the trailhead at 8:00 am and returned at 2:00 PM. The trail was clearly marked, easy to follow, and and a steep hike. The weather was warm, in the 70s at the trailhead in the afternoon. At the summit the temperature was in the low 40s and we had some sleet. We encountered about 15 people on the trail but visited with about 30 people at the summit.


Alpinist - Mar 23, 2004 7:45 am

Route Climbed: Mt Elbert Trail Date Climbed: March 21, 2004  Sucess!

Team of 3 all summited. The sky was crystal clear with breath taking views! This was a nice easy hike. The only challenge is the altitude. You can really feel it coming from near sea level. Trip report.


Chris - Mar 22, 2004 10:00 pm

Route Climbed: Mt Elbert Trail Date Climbed: Dec 31, 1995 / May 1999  Sucess!

Great hike, beautiful views of the Arkansas River Valley and surrounding peaks.


esugi - Mar 6, 2004 11:56 pm

Route Climbed: Elbert Trail Date Climbed: September 2002  Sucess!

Summitted Elbert the day after doing Lincoln/Cameron/Democrat. Coming from Seattle where trailheads are normally around 3000 to 5000 ft, its neat to be able to start off from 10,000 ft.


carloselbrus - Mar 2, 2004 10:54 am

Route Climbed: East Ridge. Date Climbed: Aug 4th 2001  Sucess!

I guided a a climb to benefit The Emily Griffth Center. A team of 7 climbers. all summit.


hgrapid - Feb 27, 2004 11:03 am

Route Climbed: Mt. Elbert Trail Date Climbed: 6/6/2002  Sucess!

Great day, with little snow on the summit. This was my first Colorado 14er. I have now done 6. It took me 2hours 37minutes from the parking lot to get to the summit. The summit was windy and cold, and after a quick lunch, 15 minutes later I had to go back down. Gorgeous mountain!

Matt Mahoney

Matt Mahoney - Feb 19, 2004 9:02 pm

Route Climbed: NE ridge Date Climbed: Aug. 14, 2003  Sucess!

One last altitude acclimation hike before the Leadville 100 in 2 days. I went with another runner and we took about 5 1/2 hours round trip. It was frustrating waiting for him (I have done it in under 3 hours before) but probably best not to overtrain at this point.


hhsilleck - Jan 9, 2004 7:12 pm

Route Climbed: Mt. Elbert Trail Date Climbed: July 2001  Sucess!

Pretty standard Sawatch fourteener hike - tiring on the legs.


Nelson - Dec 30, 2003 9:10 am

Route Climbed: North & South Trails Date Climbed: May, 1993; July, 2002  Sucess!

The 1993 climb was on skis from Halfmoon Campground. We had the entire mountain to ourselves until right at the summit.

The 2002 ascent from the south trail, hiking with my wife.

Day Hiker

Day Hiker - Dec 28, 2003 1:53 am Date Climbed: Sep 3, 2011

Northeast Ridge  Sucess!

Wow, this trail is steep. It seems that those who built it never heard of switchbacks; the trail just shoots right up the side of the mountain. From the junction at the Colorado Trail to the summit, the trail climbs about 3800 feet in about 3.5 miles. Between 13400 and 13900 feet, there is only one quarter mile of trail.
2003 August 05.
2011 September 03.


JonBradford - Dec 18, 2003 7:00 pm

Route Climbed: South Ridge from Blackcloud TH Date Climbed: July 15, 2000  Sucess!

Mighty Elbert. A nice hike for me and dogs Moses and Jax.

Jon Bradford


bdewoody - Dec 3, 2003 1:06 am

Route Climbed: Southeast Ridge Date Climbed: August 99  Sucess!

Not too bad.

Andesite - Dec 1, 2003 10:15 pm

Route Climbed: South Mt. Elbert trailhead Date Climbed: sept. 1997  Sucess!

I had the flu but it was a great hike on a great mountain.


Alpinist - Dec 1, 2003 12:51 pm

Route Climbed: South Mt Elbert Trail Date Climbed: November 29, 2003

This was a 2-day winter climb, with a planned overnight at around 11,500'. Due to a delay with my flight, we unfortunately didn't hit the trail until 1:30p. We started at the winter trailhead and hiked up to 10,600'. We made camp there due to darkness. The next morning, we encountered patches of deep snow below treeline and heavy winds on the south ridge which slowed our progress. Colonelpyat and Scott Patterson made the summit. However, I was moving more slowly because of the effects of going from near sea level to 14,000' feet in 24 hours. I turned back at 13,950' in order to catch my return flight back home later that evening. I would have made it if I had a little more time. Even though I didn't summit, it was a great winter mountaineering experience, and I enjoyed the company of my new SP friends. I look forward to coming back one day to reach the summit.


jeffgun - Nov 15, 2003 1:29 pm

Route Climbed: S/E Ridge Date Climbed: February 2001  Sucess!

5 of us spent a couple of hours breaking trail in snowshoes on the approach but once we got on the ridge it was fairly windblown and free of snow. It was an unbelievable day for February with NO WIND and clear blue skies. Amazing views in all directions at the top. I still have the summit shot on my fridge at home!


HawkeyeHufford - Oct 7, 2003 3:05 am

Route Climbed: Normal Date Climbed: July 29, 2003  Sucess!

After flying in the night before from Alaska and spending the night at the youth hostel in Leadville, I hit the trailhead at 7:20am on an overcast morning. I immediately felt the effects of altitude as I struggled up the trail with many brief stops along the way. As I approached treeline (about 11,600 elevation) it began to rain and many hikers gathered in the protection of the edge of the trees to consider their options. Some of us continued on as the rain let up. After climbing onto the ridge and then reaching the first false summit - a large rock heap - we encountered rain once again, then sleet. After waiting for a half hour with a handfull of other determined hikers, the skies began to clear up and we proceeded on to the summit, reaching it in georgeous weather at 11:40 - 4 1/2 hours after my start. Not too bad considering how tough it was on me. Among those who waited out the weather with me were Keith Gogan and Beth from Tulsa (Keith teaches backpacking at Oral Roberts U & Beth had been one of Keith's students. And Larry and Carol from Colorado as well as Larry's mother, Rebecca, joined us and made the top. Rebecca, from Tucson, has a fear of heights and had never done anything like this before. What an accomplishment for her! The view from the top was spectacular. After staying for 20 minutes I scampered back down and got to my car in 2 hours.

Steve Hufford

Anchorage, AK USA



MrWasatch - Sep 26, 2003 12:02 pm

Route Climbed: Northeast ridge Date Climbed: July 4, 1997  Sucess!

First attempt in 1995 abandoned at 13,600 due to lightning storm. Returned in 1997 and reached summit with 3 friends. Great views and a very enjoyable climb.

dougmckenzie - Sep 18, 2003 11:40 am

Route Climbed: North Mount ELbert Date Climbed: September 8, 2003  Sucess!

My wife Cindy and I attempted Elbert on September 5th, but turned back at 13,000 feet (thundertorms, hail and snow set in on us). "Drove into Leadville to have a few beers" for you Parrotheads out there. Went back alone on the 8th and summitted in great (but cold on the summit) weather about 10:00 am. Views from the trail and summit where much better than I expected.


tmbass - Sep 18, 2003 9:15 am

Route Climbed: From South Mt. Elbert Trailhead Date Climbed: September 7, 2003  Sucess!

An early fall storm made the hike pretty exciting, although it stole away the views from the top we had dreamed about. All six in the party were successful and reached the summit together. The fresh snow above 12,000 ft was beautiful.

Paul and Kathy B - Carrollton, GA

Adam and Suzie P. - Denver, CO

Tommy and Debbie B. - Athens GA

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