Mount Rainier Climber's Log

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jasonconnell - Sep 24, 2003 9:57 pm

Route Climbed: Emmons Glacier Date Climbed: August 22-24 2003  Sucess!

Lots of thin snow bridges, Bit of route finding involved.

Started late on the 22nd camped at 7,700' on the Inter Glacier.

Second day Moved up to camp Sherman.

Day three summited and came all the way out. (19 hours)

Routes hooked up with the DC aroung 13,500.

It was clear enough to see Seattle from the Summit

sixsigmafool - Sep 19, 2003 4:31 pm

Route Climbed: DC Route Date Climbed: August 31, 2003  Sucess!

After two aborted attempts, we finally made it! Taking four days, and having great weather made it very enjoyable. Left Ingraham Flats at 2AM, stood on the true summit at 9:30. Mild wind except on the summit. Visibility limited only by the curve of the earth! Too bad that only 2 of the original 4 made it.

hartrc - Sep 5, 2003 3:54 am

Route Climbed: Dissapointment Cleaver Date Climbed: August 18th 2003  Sucess!

Breathtaking, me and my 2 fellow climbers (Steve and Rich) made the summit at around 8am after our climb up from camp at Ingram flats.Only our second glaciated peak but hopefully one of many more to come. A perfect day, amazing views and a day i'll never forget. I definately intend to return again someday.

Robert Hart,

Lancaster, England

rgmackie - Aug 9, 2003 6:59 pm

Route Climbed: Disappointment Cleaver Date Climbed: 11 September 2001  Sucess!

Beautiful summit day. Returned to a different world on 9/12.

Zzyzx - Aug 6, 2003 11:32 pm

Route Climbed: Kautz Glacier Date Climbed: July 6, 2003  Sucess!

Beautiful mountain and beautiful route. 4 out of 6 from our group made it to the summit.


rmjwinters - Aug 3, 2003 12:53 pm

Route Climbed: Disappointment Cleaver Date Climbed: August 1 2003  Sucess!

My wife, Melissa, and I left Salt Lake on July 30 and drove 9 hours to Yakima, WA. The morning of the 31st we drove to Paradise and began the hike to Camp Muir. We rested (not slept) for about 4 hours and left for the summit at 12:30a. The weather was great the enitre time. We summited at 7:30a and crossed the crest to the true summit. We returned to camp and packed back down to Paradise to complete a long 30 hours. It was a great and successful trip!


jasonconnell - Jul 31, 2003 11:14 am

Route Climbed: DC Date Climbed: July 27-03  Sucess!

Great weather, Camped above Pebble Creek first night. Ski'd up to Muir then pressed on to the Flats on day 2. Summitted and came all the way out on day 3 - Great ski down from Muir!


grandwazoo - Jul 29, 2003 7:36 am

Route Climbed: Disappointment Cleaver Date Climbed: 7-20-2003  Sucess!

This was our second attempt this year; weather prevented us the first time in May.

We started our drive from Salt Lake City on Friday afternoon (a wonderful 800 mile ride), arrived near the park entrance @ 1:00 am Saturday morning camped that night and hit the trail around 10:00 am Saturday from paradise. Arrived @ Camp Muir around 1:30 pm. had perfect weather to this point. Ate and tried to sleep until 10:00 pm Saturday night (with little luck). We started out for the summit around 11:00 pm Saturday, except for high winds we had a perfect climb to the rim and over to Columbia Crest. We hit the summit around 5:00 am, and then started our decent back down to paradise. After a tiring day we had that wonderful 800 mile ride back to SLC.


Sharon - Jul 24, 2003 2:03 am

Route Climbed: Disappointment Cleaver Date Climbed: August 2-4, 1991, July 21-23, 1995  Sucess!


Partner: Annette Polastri Briner (my figure skating coach)

We titled ourselves the "Ladies Lounge Expedition" due to our *extremely* successful efforts to hydrate. After we did our hair, departed Muir at 11:58 pm to get ahead of RMI; summitted at 6:30 am. Clear, with 40-60 mph winds on top. Winds decreased inside summit crater/Columbia Crest. Path to summit register threaded thru 1.5 ft high sastrugi. Spent 1.5 hours on summit but never did find the Nordstrom's sale there that we had been promised. Frightening numbers of ill-prepared & unsafe "climbers" on route...which seems to be par for Rainier.



August 2-4, 1991

Partners: Steve Reynolds, Dennis Cowley

Route dirty & crowded. Left Muir at 1:00 am to avoid getting trapped behind RMI. Triple-layer lenticular cloud formed right when we summitted; pics prove it. Took summit pics hastily & didn't sign register as we wanted to get down before weather deteriorated.


cluck - Jul 22, 2003 2:41 pm

Route Climbed: Emmon's/ Winthrop Date Climbed: July 19, 2003  Sucess!

Whew, what a haul! Day 1 consisted of a pleasant march into Glacier Basin and a slog up the Inter and Emmons glaciers into camp Schurman. Summit day started at 1:00 AM standing in line at the base of the Corridor going slower than a checkout stand at Walmart. The parade finally broke apart at 11,000 and we were free to set our own pace.

The route this year went up the Corridor to about 12K and then traversed around the bergie to the north all the way to the saddle between Columbia Crest and Liberty Cap. Then finally turned toward the summit and ended with a 400 foot scree slog. Yum!

Off the summit by 9:30 and back in camp 5 hours later for a much needed nap.

The route was in excellent shape and easily navigated due to the presence of a 2 foot deep trench and about 10,000 wands. Hard to pass other teams though, but things thinned out up high.


keema - Jul 18, 2003 8:19 am

Route Climbed: Disappointment Cleaver Date Climbed: July 11-12, 2003

Climbed with RMI as part of the Climb for Clean Air, a fund raiser for the American Lung Association of Washington. I raised $4338 for them. This was not the steepest climb I have done, but it was one of the most fulfilling experiences of my life. Since most of my group had dropped by the wayside our guide led my friend Russ and I on a little different route and we gained the crater rim on the north rather than the usual east side.


jasonconnell - Jul 10, 2003 8:42 am

Route Climbed: Emmons Date Climbed: July 3-5  Sucess!

Great climb, Conditions were Fantastic!

The wind was blowin pretty hard on summit day though.

6th Summit!

Peak Freak

Peak Freak - Jul 8, 2003 7:25 pm

Route Climbed: Kautz Glacier Date Climbed: July 6, 2003  Sucess!

My second attempt at Rainier met with perfect conditions and beautiful weather. Climbed with fellow SP'ers: Kris, Janusz, Shannon, Dave & Ben (all from California). Four of us made it to the summit. This route was far less traveled than DC.


IdahoClimber - Jul 8, 2003 3:58 pm

Route Climbed: Emmons-Winthrop Date Climbed: July 6, 2003  Sucess!

Did the climb roundtrip from the White River Campground in under 16 hours. 10,230 vertical feet of awesome climbing. See my trip report for a full detail of the climb. I can see now why so many people love this mountain. It was a glorious day to be on the side of the mountain!


mtnman455 - Jul 7, 2003 5:59 pm

Route Climbed: Kautz Glacier Date Climbed: July 2002  Sucess!

Of 23 people descending during our ascending 21 didn't make it yet there were perfect conditions. Wonderful to be far away from DC and Camp Muir and its citizens. Ice shoot was great. 60 degree alpine ice for 200m. Ice fall off the Ice Cliff was epic. Couldn't pick a better time to climb. If you want something a little harder with way less people then hit up Kautz.

Timpanogos - Jun 28, 2003 12:50 pm

Route Climbed: Disappointment Cleaver Date Climbed: June 23, 2003  Sucess!

5 inches of snow fell on Sunday. Perfect conditions on Monday. Camped at Ingraham Flats. Serac band at about 13,000 feet pushed our team far to the right to the top of the Emmons Glacier. Had the summit to ourselves for 45 minutes at about 7 am. Passed several teams on the way down, some coming from Camp Shurman and some from Camp Muir.


mdostby - Jun 24, 2003 7:37 pm

Route Climbed: Disappointment Cleaver Date Climbed: June 18, 2003

Climbed with Miguel, Alex and Murray. Turned back before reaching the top of the cleaver. Bad weather with high winds, lightning and poor visability were the deciding factors that prompted us to turn back to Camp Muir. At least 4 other teams also turned back. May try again latter this summer, if not, it's on the schedual for 2004.


daynegains - Jun 19, 2003 10:07 am

Route Climbed: Disappointment Cleaver Date Climbed: July 2, 2001  Sucess!

July 2, 2001 - Disappointment Cleaver.

Climbed with "TexasClimber" and with RMI (expedition seminar). 7 hour ascent (3am-10am) to the summit and a 4 hour slog back to high camp. Really good weather with some high winds approaching the crater.

June 6, 2002 - Emmons Glacier.

High camp at Camp Schurman. The Mountain was in pristine condition this early in the season. Climbed for 3.5 hours (12:30am-4am) to 12,500 ft and spun due to high winds and inclement weather. But boy what a sunrise above the could deck that we witnessed. Though I didn't know at the time, two climbers perished and three had to be rescued from a crevasse that day on the DC route. It was definitley not hospitable climbing conditions.


couchtater - Jun 18, 2003 8:49 am

Route Climbed: Ingraham Direct Date Climbed: June 9, 2003  Sucess!

I went with RMI. This was a tough but exciting climb. See trip report for details.


TexasClimber - Jun 8, 2003 9:28 pm

Route Climbed: Ingraham Glacier Direct Date Climbed: May, 26, 2003  Sucess!

Martin, Justin, Brandon and I reached the summit via the Ingraham Direct around 7AM on May 26, 2003. I found this route to be more shorter, yet more technically challeged versus the DC. It you like big hanging ice in your route, visit Rainier in May and check out the Ingraham Glacier Direct. My Memorial Day weekend at Rainier was so intense that I wrote a trip report about it. It's titleled "Wake Up Call on the Ingraham Glacier Direct!" Make sure to read it especially if you are a Rainier first timer or just interest in climbing this route.

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