Mount Whitney Climber's Log

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mazman - Nov 21, 2003 10:50 am

Route Climbed: portal trail Date Climbed: 5 june 2002  Sucess!

Great weather up and down


mountaindan - Nov 20, 2003 10:59 am

Route Climbed: Main Date Climbed: 25 august 2003  Sucess!

One day climb to the summit and back. This was my second attempt. It was great to finally reach the summit of a 14er, I have been turned around by weather on several others. Maybe I should quit going in the winter, Nah that's when all the fun is!

Nyle Walton

Nyle Walton - Nov 15, 2003 11:27 am

Route Climbed: Mount Whitney Trail Date Climbed: September, 1965

On my way from Salt Lake City to Berkeley to begin graduate work in Geography, I drove my 1948 Chrysler Windsor across Nevada and then southwest around the southern end of the Sierra Nevada. I slept in the car at Whitney Portal before starting up the trail long before dawn. I recall that there were many hikers on the trail including a woman in her eighties that did the climb every year. The way up seemed endless and I was glad to reach the crowded summit in order to take pictures and get back to the car before dark. After having climbed numerous mountains including the Matterhorn, Grand Teton, Popocatepetl, Orizaba, Mont Blanc, Mount Rainier and Huayna Potosi, I did easy Mount Whitney simply because it is the highest point in the conterminous US. Oh hum!

Ed Dorsey - Oct 31, 2003 6:55 pm

Route Climbed: Mt. Whitney Trail up from Miter Basin Date Climbed: August 24, 2003  Sucess!

We (Arnie, Veronica, Chip and I) made a three day odyssey from Cottonwood Lakes Trailhead through Miter Basin, over Crabtree Pass and up the southwest side of Discovery Pinnacle to the Mt. Whitney Trail and then to the summit (and then to the Portal). The sand slog up the southwest side of Discovery Pinnacle was enough to make you want to cry.

Scott Pierce

Scott Pierce - Oct 27, 2003 12:18 am

Route Climbed: Whitney Trail Date Climbed: September, 1995  Sucess!

Left WP at 430am, made top by 10am, and down by 1pm. Feet and knees too battered to run on downhill leg. Lets of folks walking up--nice to see people out enjoying their mountain (pre-trail quota days).

Scott M.

Scott M. - Oct 25, 2003 10:49 pm

Route Climbed: Mountaineer's Route Date Climbed: October 25, 2003  Sucess!

A great Fall day. Up the MR and down the main trail. Uncrowded by Whitney standards and nearly perfect weather and trail conditions.


rgreene - Oct 21, 2003 5:51 pm

Route Climbed: Whitney Trail Date Climbed: 20 October 2003  Sucess!

Had a nice two day trip, day one to Trail Camp, day two up and down. Fantastic weather, no snow or ice on the trail (except a tiny easily avoidable patch on the 99 in the wired section). Only downer... no paragliding trip down from the summit! :)


TDRoberts - Oct 20, 2003 9:15 am

Route Climbed: Crabtree Lake to Trail Crest Date Climbed: Sep '02  Sucess!

Took a late season hike from Cottonwood Lakes over New Army Pass into Rock Creek basin. Great secluded place in late season. Took cross country route through basin, over Crabtree Pass and up endless scree south of Trail Crest.

Weather was highly variable fall weather - mostly sunny, windy, and cool the first day - gray, cold, and snowing the next day - then clear, mild and light wind on summit day.

Mike Sullivan

Mike Sullivan - Oct 14, 2003 1:58 am

Route Climbed: Trail Date Climbed: 1973 To Present  Sucess!

Over the past 30 years I've been priviledged to hike up and down this peak with climbing partners, with my Wife (before and after we were married), with my kids as they grew up, with out of state guests who came to "see" California and by myself. Although I've been stormed on occasionally, it has always been a Mountain of Peace for me, especially when my job in healthcare gets too overwhelming. There has always been "Power on the Mountain", Power to re-charge my batteries; both Emotionally and Spiritually. If You are thinking about taking the one or two or three day hike up and down, I encourage you to do it !! If you do find the summit, its Great. If you succeed in finding yourself, its even better !!!! Now I'm 50 and the mountain is getting taller and the air is getting thinner, but I'm sure that I've NOT seen my last trip up Whitney, yet.


madclimber - Oct 13, 2003 10:00 pm

Route Climbed: Whitney Trail Date Climbed: September 22, 2003  Sucess!

Second time up mountain, first time in a day. I swore I would not do this mountain again for the second time while going up the 99 switchbacks. On the way down the switchback I was already thinking of coming back next week to do the Mountaineer's Route in a day. See my posting "Day Hike up the Main Whitney Trail " for more info about this day hike.


PellucidWombat - Oct 13, 2003 12:56 am

Route Climbed: Mountaineers Route Date Climbed: October 11, 2003  Sucess!

Dayhiked mountaineers route and bagged Muir on the way down the main trail. Definitely one of the more scenic climbs that I've done!


dvsanbt - Oct 12, 2003 6:05 pm

Route Climbed: MR Date Climbed: august 23, 2003  Sucess!

nice route with straightforward scrambling on the final chute. dayhiked with my brother. went on to muir and back down the main trail.

Rick Kent

Rick Kent - Oct 9, 2003 3:30 pm

Route Climbed: Mountaineers Route Date Climbed: August 16, 2003  Sucess!

Did a solo dayhike via the Mountaineers Route. Was a great day except for a rockfall incident heading up to the notch. Fortunately I wasn't hit. I think I might be purchasing a helmet real soon.

cdolan - Oct 8, 2003 9:35 am

Route Climbed: East Face Date Climbed: 9/9/03  Sucess!

Check out the Trip Report I posted.

I also have Pics at

We had a great day for the East Face. Sunny and fairly warm with a light breeze. One guided party of 3 was well ahead of us and there was no one pushing us. There was a large group that started after us, but they were slow and didn't top out until sunset. We never saw them again after the Washboard.

cdolan - Oct 8, 2003 9:31 am

Route Climbed: East Buttress Date Climbed: 9/7/03  Sucess!

Check out the Trip Report I posted.

I also have Pics at

It was a very cold and windy day for out climb. The only good thing was that we had company. A couple that we had met the night before followed us up the whole route.


tbnelson - Oct 3, 2003 6:32 pm

Route Climbed: Whitney Trail Date Climbed: October 2, 2003  Sucess!

Summitted from the trail in 3:28 from Trail Camp after a 45 minute side trip to bag Muir. Fourth summit of Whitney in 360 days and fifth time overall. Made it back to the car in 5 hours. Beautiful weather was an added plus. I plan to never climb Whitney again.


MrWasatch - Sep 26, 2003 12:24 pm

Route Climbed: Whitney Trail Date Climbed: August 3, 1999  Sucess!

Awesome climb. My highest peak to date. One of the great days of my life! Attempt in '98 aborted at Trail Camp due to excess snow on mountain that we weren't prepared for. After a much more normal winter, we returned in '99 and did the one day hike. Incredible scenery, great test of stamina, absolutely thrilling! The trip down was long, but after such a long day, a pizza from the Pizza Factory in Lone Pine hit the spot just right!


madclimber - Sep 26, 2003 12:19 pm

Route Climbed: Main Whitney Trail Date Climbed: October 4, 2002  Sucess!

This was my first ascent up Whitney. We planned a summer hike and it snowed. Nobody had reached the summit in 3 days because of whiteout conditions and most people were leaving because it was so cold. On Oct 4th, the storm stopped at 10AM and we set out for the summit. By 2:30PM we got to the top I was the 8th person to sign the summit log in 3 days. We were allowed 10 minutes at the top before the next storm came and we had to get down. The snow was comming down fast and we were loosing the trail so we had to get down quickly. What an adventure!

sloclimbr - Sep 22, 2003 10:36 am

Route Climbed: Mountaineer's Route Date Climbed: September 19, 2003  Sucess!

Did the Mountaineers route in a day, with a little fifth class excursion along the way. We did Split on the 17th and thought we were pretty hot stuff doing both peaks back to back, then saw Han's entry of 11 in 51hrs. That man is unbelievable. We had a great day though and I can't wait to get back!


ScottyS - Sep 20, 2003 8:28 pm

Route Climbed: Tourist Trail Date Climbed: Sept 19, 2003  Sucess!

Kept a promise to take my 14yo sis to the top. Perfect weather, just a mite chilly at Trail Camp when we tanked up. Tried out a new pair of Nike sandals for the hike and left the tennies in the car. Left the portal @ 0420, summited Muir @ 1000, summited Whitney @ 1100, hit the car @ 1630.

Saw Florine's register entry from earlier that morning:

"11th 14er......believe and you will achieve"

or something like that. We'll soon see if he had enough faith.

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