OfflineA Little About Me
The reasons people climb are diverse, ranging from a simple satisfaction at physical exercise to a single minded need to find ever harder and more punishing problems to solve. The central theme is one of testing the self to a greater or lesser extent at whatever level of the game we choose to play it. In the sense that it is unnecessary to play this game at all, climbing is a useless activity; in the context of discovering oneself, testing the limits of one's ability, exploring the boundaries of fear, determination and endurance, climbing is a means of self fufillment and a source of great satisfaction. The other delights of climbing as a way of life, the enjoyment of an outdoor environment, the simplicity of expedition life, the pleasure at being physically completely fit, are all bonuses beside this central theme.
Joe Tasker, Everest The Cruel Way
Photo at right: Alabama Hills, CA
Joe Tasker, Everest The Cruel Way
Photo at right: Alabama Hills, CA
Partner Details: | Looking for potential climbing partners to make ascents via moderate routes in the Cascades. |
My Images
My Mountains & Rocks (5)
- Mount Foraker Alaska Range
- Mount Tyndall California 14ers
- Mount Winchell Palisades
- Nuptse
- Sharkfin Tower North Cascades
My Routes (5)
- East Face/ East Face Direct Mount Tyndall
- Eliot Glacier/Sunshine Route Mount Hood
- North Face Buckner Mountain
- Northwest Ridge Mount Tyndall
- Southeast Ridge Sharkfin Tower
My Trip Reports (8)
- Boston Peak Boston Peak
- Forbidden Peak Forbidden Peak
- Mount Buckner Buckner Mountain
- Mount Hood - Wake of Tragedy Trip Report Mount Hood
- Mount Shasta via Avalanche Gulch Mount Shasta
- Mount Shasta via Casaval Ridge Mount Shasta
- Sahale Peak Sahale Mountain
- Sharkfin Tower Sharkfin Tower
Climber's Logs I've Signed (16)
Mountains & Rocks (16)
- Kilimanjaro Seven Summits
- Lone Pine Peak John Muir Wilderness
- Mount Russell California 14ers
- Crystal Crag John Muir Wilderness
- Basin Mountain John Muir Wilderness
- Mount Muir California 14ers
- Boston Peak Washington Top 100
- Buckner Mountain Washington County Highpoints
- Sharkfin Tower North Cascades
- Sahale Mountain Washington Top 100
- Forbidden Peak Washington Top 100
- Mount Hood Cascade Volcanoes
- Mount Shuksan Mt. Baker Scenic Byway
- Mount Langley California 14ers
- Mount Whitney California County Highpoints
- Mount Shasta California County Highpoints
My Lists
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Reviews I Posted/Reviews Posted to my Gear
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