Dave Clark


Page Type Gear Review
Object Title Dave Clark
Manufacturer Asolo
Page By
Page Type Oct 13, 2011 / Oct 13, 2011
Object ID 7821
Hits 2535

Product Description Asolo 8000

I used Asolo 8000's to climb high on Aconcagua Mt. 2011, worked fine, good traction, fits me just about right, worked great with sabretooth crampons. Most important, kept my feet warm in -20c. Fit is paramont...Some folks cannot receive the proper fit with these boots, shop for a reputable brand that does.

I purchased them brand new in 2010.

If you cannot receive the proper fit with these boots, shop for a reputable brand that does.

I purchased them brand new in 2010.

Beware: Of renting of renting plastic boots!!! I heard of one guy who rented Asolo 8000's in Mendoza, Argentina and lost toes because the boots did not protect him from the cold. Plastic boots because of the hardness, do not show much in the way of wear. What happens is that the insulation within the boot gradually gets compressed and loses it's insulaton propertes! You might rent that same pair or similar pair at a rental shop.

Over all, if they fit you, and you require a plastic boot they'll do the job for you, though I always bring my trusty hotronics boot heaters just in case.

Price paid: 204.00 incl shipping... killer deal


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