FinePix S3 UVIR


Page Type Gear Review
Object Title FinePix S3 UVIR
Manufacturer Fujifilm
Page By
Page Type Apr 26, 2007 / Apr 26, 2007
Object ID 3055
Hits 3121

Product Description

Very great DSLR camera with easy to use features. One allows you to have direct camera vision on the LCD screen for 30 seconds. This allows for you to take your eyes off that tiny viewfinder. It also takes photos in ultrviolet and infrared light which eliminates the need for flash during the night and takes amazing photographs during the day. This camera will help you find heat leaking out of your house in the winter. You will need filters to filter out unwated wavelenghts of light (ultraviolet, infrared or visible) and take shots like a CSI angent would.

What's Included

Only the camera body is included in the package. Lens and filters are sold separately. The camera has a 12.34 effective megapixel CCD for a relatively cheap price of $1200-$1800 depending on dealer. Camera itself is anything but as it is very versitile and can stand harsh weather conditions. They can be obtained by visiting the FujifilmUSA website.


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Cedar - Aug 10, 2007 7:55 pm - Voted 5/5

Very Helpful
I have one of those. Not very portable but useful for taking long exposures. Infrared and Ultraviolet photography is quite amazing.

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