SD Crampon


SD Crampon
Page Type Gear Review
Object Title SD Crampon
Manufacturer Voile
Page By OJ Loenneker
Page Type Oct 18, 2009 / Nov 28, 2009
Object ID 6457
Hits 3003

Product Description

For steep, icy, and exposed ascents or that frustrating icy skin track, there is the SD Crampon.

Used with Voile Tractor skins, the SD Crampon can function fixed to your splitboard or mobile for easy walking.


The fixed mode is recommended for high exposure and where security in each step is essential. The slot in the back of the crampon fits under the heel pad for the fixed mode.

The mobile mode is for more moderate ascents and will increase energy efficiency by decreasing drag of the crampon on each step. A rotating puck holds the crampon to the Slider Track for the mobile mode.

The crampon is attached to the board half using a longer Slider Pin(4 9/16") made specifically for the crampon. This Slider Pin will work for securing your Slider Track for ride mode.

Weight/pr. 1lb./0.45kg, Clearance for fitting crampon to board half: 13.7cm.
Includes a nylon storage bag.




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OJ Loenneker - Oct 18, 2009 12:57 pm - Voted 5/5

One and only
It's the only crampon that is compatible with the Voile system. Features three different "modes" for attachment. The only bad thing is that you actually have to take off the binding olate from the touring pivot to install them. the older Burton system and the new MR. Chomps crampons can be installed without removing the binding from the board.

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