Tractor Skins


Tractor Skins
Page Type Gear Review
Object Title Tractor Skins
Manufacturer Voile
Page By OJ Loenneker
Page Type Oct 18, 2009 / Oct 18, 2009
Object ID 6461
Hits 5209

Product Description

Voile Splitboard Climbing Skins are specifically made for splitboards. They are cut to fit the right and left splitboard half.

Further, Voile Splitboard Skins have a bomber riveted stainless steel tip loop, that can take a ton of abuse while on the climb up. The material is a very hydrophobic nylon mohair. The glue is the most tenacious on the market. It is reliable and proven.

Includes a trim tool, a Cheat Sheet and a nylon storage bag.



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OJ Loenneker - Jan 22, 2010 2:40 am - Voted 5/5

The only
currently available split board skins on the market. The seem to cover the boards well, and glide moderatly well.
The only goofy thing is that these skins are ment to used with out a tail connector.

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