Snowstruck, In The Grip of Avalanches


Snowstruck, In The Grip of Avalanches
Page Type Gear Review
Object Title Snowstruck, In The Grip of Avalanches
Manufacturer Jill Fredston (Harcourt Books)
Page By silversummit
Page Type Apr 13, 2009 / Apr 13, 2009
Object ID 6042
Hits 3899


From the book cover: "Jill Fredston stalks avalanches. She predicts where and when they will strike, deliberately triggers them with explosvies, teaches potential victims how to stay alive, and leads rescue efforts when tragedy ensues. Reaching deep into this trove of personal experience, Fredston captures the overwhelming force of avalanches from a panarama of perspectives: a skier making what may prove his final decision, a victim buried so tightly he can't move a finger, rescuers racing time and weather, forecasters treading the line between reasonable risk and danger."

This book begins with Jill's move to Alaska and entering the world of avalanche study and details her learning how crucial avalanche prediction, control and rescue is to Alaska's traffic, industry and tourism. Eventually she and her husband teach avalanche safety courses, write books and become responsible for regional avalanche safety forecasts and control. This book also discusses the conflict between humans and nature and cost in lives and $$$ from many viewpoints.


Price: $ 24.00

Paperback: 342 pages with black and white photographs

Author: Jill Fredston

Publisher: Harcourt Books

Year Published: 2005

Language: English

ISBN: 13: 978-0151-01249-7



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silversummit - Apr 13, 2009 9:55 pm - Voted 5/5

An engrossing read!
Jill Fredston has written a book almost everyone who travels in snowy terrain should read. You'll learn something about snow and avalanches without being preached to and you'll learn about group psychology and why you should trust your instincts. She sprinkles enough humor into the book to keep your spirits up after she returns from an unsuccessful rescue mission. And you get a healthy dose of Alaskan day-to-day living; good thing they have cable internet!

This book is definitely on my "read again" list!

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