Solar Tent


Solar Tent
Page Type Gear Review
Object Title Solar Tent
Manufacturer Terra Nova
Page By desainme
Page Type Aug 8, 2003 / Jan 21, 2007
Object ID 779
Hits 6722

The classic single-pole lightweight backpacking tent, offering proven performance and a little more space than its baby brother the Solar Minor. Surprisingly stable and easy to pitch, the Solar makes an ideal shelter for solo travellers. Its large porch and excellent space to weight ratio makes it roomy enough for two, even on extended trips.



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desainme - Aug 8, 2003 8:04 am - Voted 5/5

Untitled Review
About 4 pounds and was $130 at Sierra Trading Post marketed under Wild country.

Easy to pitch. Did great in an all night rain including a 2 hour downpour. Kinda tight but you can put your stuff beneath the fly and outside the tent. You push the pole through the netting at the crest of the tent and put the fly over the top of the pole.

Dan Bailey - Jul 22, 2004 7:31 am - Voted 4/5

Untitled Review
The Solar is great for lightweight backpacking, in reasonable weather, below the snowline. Best as a solo shelter, though roomy enough for two if you happen to be intimate with your partner! If you become tent-bound in foul conditions for any length of time the drawbacks of its small inner floor area soon become apparent - this is where intimacy becomes a particularly attractive use of time. The single pole design withstands some pretty naughty gusts of wind if pitched end-on to the prevailing air flow, but if the wind swings round and hits you broadside then the tent becomes something of a sail, and can feel rather insecure. Because it's not that rigid along the sides, heavy snowfall has the effect of slowly caving the walls in. I discovered all these drawbacks first hand when camping in snow above 3000m on the Petit Aiguille Verte, Chamonix. To be fair though, that's not really an environment for which the Solar was designed to excel. That it remained standing for 3 nights is testament to its design and build quality. A very decent tent.

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