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Regional discussion and conditions reports for Africa. Please post partners requests and trip plans in the Africa Climbing Partners section.


Hey I guess the PoPo deleted my thread about Africa being a continent of losers.

To Dave K. I don't mean to Post BS stuff, and you can pull the plug on me if you wish, but I do have valid questions for anybody directly connected with Africa. :wink:

At one time Somalia was a playground for Europeans, seeking a warm place to hang out at during ...
Read more : Loosers? | Views : 2657 | Replies : 4

Kili Price Range

Hey guys,
just wondering what kind of price range is reasonable for Kili. Rainier Mountaineering is my only frame of reference and they're charging $5,500 for the safari and trek...seems steep. Are there equally reputable companies out there that offer it for a much lower price?
Read more : Kili Price Range | Views : 5404 | Replies : 12

Sleeping System for Kili

Headed there in early July, need recommendations on sleeping pad/sleeping bag as mine need replacing/updating anyway, might as well get something appropriate for Kili. I like to sleep a bit on the cooler side as well. Light and compact is what I'm looking for. Thanks.
Read more : Sleeping System for Kili | Views : 2673 | Replies : 2

Mount Kenya Lenana or some more?

Hey Folks,

In January I'm going to Kenya for 3 weeks, 2 weeks safari/ wildlife and 5 days to a week Mount Kenya.

I just wanted to do something extra than the the tourist route (Naro Moru) to Lenana, but on the other hand I think the actual climb to Batian will be a bit to much (especially for my Girlfriend, who hasn't real (outdoor)climbing experience). Do you think it might be possible to hire ...
Read more : Mount Kenya Lenana or some more? | Views : 9752 | Replies : 14

Kilimanjaro - Good Guide Recomendation Needed

Hey All !!!

I did Kilimanjaro a few years ago and have lost touch with the guide that took me to the summit. Im trying to organise my own expedition and would really appreciate any good contacts you might have there. Im specifically looking to avoid a tour operator, would like to go with a guide who knows his way to the summit and he selects his own team of porters and cook.

Any suggestions ...
Read more : Kilimanjaro - Good Guide Recomendation Needed | Views : 3226 | Replies : 3

Toubkal in November with the girlfriend

The girlfriend isn't really into mountain climbing. She's fit enough to do a 32KM walk, but after that she'll not be able to walk for the next couple of days :). She wants to visit Marrakech. I'm OK with that, but I want some fun too.

Do you think that it ispossible to take her up Toubkal around the 13th of november?
Would she need much more ...
Read more : Toubkal in November with the girlfriend | Views : 14296 | Replies : 23

Equipment for Western Breach, Kilimanjaro

I'm going to Kili in the end of October, and I'm thinking of doing the Western Breach route. Which equipement is needed, beside normal gear? I've seen helmet and crampons in in equipement-lists. What about ice axes? The thing is that we will be carrying everything for ourselfs, so obviously, we want to keep the weight down. Is e.g. crampons really necessary? How much of glacier walk is there? Helmet though, I can understand. ...
Read more : Equipment for Western Breach, Kilimanjaro | Views : 4383 | Replies : 8

Doing Kili on a tight budget..

I'm going to Kili this september, bud I'm on quite a tight leash money-wise.. Which operators are the cheapest, but still "good" way to go? I'm not into squeezing the porters and guides for money, I just want it as cheap as possible but still supporting the locals.. I would very much like to see the whole show somewhere between 1000$ and 1500$ - is this possible?

just as additional information; I would like to ...
Read more : Doing Kili on a tight budget.. | Views : 37033 | Replies : 29

malaria meds and altitude sickness

i'm headed to climb kilimanjaro in about a month. though the mt itself isn't a major concern for malaria, i'll be spending plenty of time exploring in more risky areas. my question is: what malaria prophylaxis is the best, or has anyone used. i've noticed that many of the side effects of some of the meds are the same as altitude sickness and, i it's possible, i'd sure like to be able to distinguish if ...
Read more : malaria meds and altitude sickness | Views : 3164 | Replies : 3

Which guided company to use to climb Kilimanjaro?

I was looking for a guided company that provides Kili climb during December for less or equal to 5 days?
Read more : Which guided company to use to climb Kilimanjaro? | Views : 28524 | Replies : 19


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