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San Diego

Hey all, I'm probably moving out to San Diego this summer/fall to start a grad program at UCSD. It looks like I'll be there for 5-6 yrs, and I couldn't be more excited about it. It'd be great to get out and climb with some folks on SP too. My favorite pursuits have been ski mountaineering, alpine mixed climbing and glacial climbs in the Cascades and Alps, but I'm into just getting out in the ...
Read more : San Diego | Views : 6464 | Replies : 19 | Forum : California

New Zealand South Island great walks in May

I'm going to be on the South Island in mid-May with a few non-climbing buddies and am looking at doing one of the great walks. I'm looking at the Milford, Routeburn, and Kepler.

I'm leaning towards the Routeburn because I'm of course partial to alpine scenery and even though the Milford is the most popular, it seems more "forresty" and less alpine. The Kepler looks amazing, but I think I'm seeing the same scenes online ...
Read more : New Zealand South Island great walks in May | Views : 4258 | Replies : 4 | Forum : Oceania and Pacific Islands

Lassen Peak Conditions

Anyone been up there lately? I'm thinking about trying the Northwest Ridge in a couple weeks but I don't exactly want to book it across the country if there isn't any snow up there.
Read more : Lassen Peak Conditions | Views : 7852 | Replies : 24 | Forum : California

[!] Mountaineer's Haute Route

Hi Guys:
I am from the US so have very limited knowledge of the hikes in Europe. My knowledge is limited to the short hikes around Chamonix and Grindelwald.

This summer, my friend and I wanted to do the Mountaineers Haute Route. We are decent mountaineers and have climbed/hiked in the pacific Northwest of the US and are comfortable hiking on snow and have done south side of Mount Adams, Mount Hood...

Unfortunately, we are ...
Read more : [!] Mountaineer's Haute Route | Views : 5922 | Replies : 11 | Forum : Europe

ski-trip:Mont Blanc via Bosson Glacier (Rif. Grand Mullets)

Hello to everybody,

though not new to the board, I haven't posted much recently.... well, looks like I'll be doing some skiing on the Europe's highest places soon....

The plan is simple: chamonix-grand mullets-MB summit-chamonix, 3-days ski-trip probably by mid-May....

Done some googling on it, but not to much avail.... so here go the yet unaswered questions:

- anyone (of board members) done it before?
- the little I found suggests to keep our tracks ...
Read more : ski-trip:Mont Blanc via Bosson Glacier (Rif. Grand Mullets) | Views : 2111 | Replies : 2 | Forum : Europe

Anybody ever climbed Chimborazo or Cotopaxi??!!

I am climbing Chimborazo and Cotopaxi this coming July, I am looking for someone who has climbed either one who I can email a few questions to.
Read more : Anybody ever climbed Chimborazo or Cotopaxi??!! | Views : 26205 | Replies : 46 | Forum : South America

12, 13, 14, 15 march - Zugspitze

Will be trying to do Hollental route. If it is too hard, we'll do Jubileumsgrat.

That's the plan and also pretty much all the info I have right now, except ofcourse what I've read here. Anyone with more info you'd be doing me a favour by posting a reply.

Also, I'm looking for information about the German trains. I'd like to take a train from Aachen on wednsday the 11th in the evening and return ...
Read more : 12, 13, 14, 15 march - Zugspitze | Views : 2053 | Replies : 12 | Forum : Europe

first 7000m peak

Any thoughts about a first 7000m peak?
Read more : first 7000m peak | Views : 4803 | Replies : 12 | Forum : Asia

Transfering from AEP to EZE, is it easy and any tips?

I want to know if the transfers between airports with luggage is easy and worth the cheaper ticket. Any help would be appreciated!

Note: arriving Buenos Aires, Argentina (AEP-Jorge Newbery) departing Buenos Aires, Argentina (EZE-Ministro Pistarini)
Read more : Transfering from AEP to EZE, is it easy and any tips? | Views : 2216 | Replies : 4 | Forum : South America

Avalanche risk in Bavaria - HIGH

I´ve just recieved a warning from the avalanch service here in Bavaria. It´s now up at 4. I would suggest that for the next couple of days we think about polishing the car or taking the kids to the cinema because the hills are not too inviting. Areas in Austria have reached 5.

Take care

Read more : Avalanche risk in Bavaria - HIGH | Views : 1364 | Replies : 0 | Forum : Europe


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