Pikes Peak Climber's Log

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csmcgranahan - Sep 22, 2005 11:48 pm

Route Climbed: Barr Trail Date Climbed: Late May, 2002  Sucess!

At the time I was living in St. Louis and had came out to Colorado to summit West Spanish Peak on a Friday. I felt strong after finishing and decided to attempt Pikes Peak via the Barr Trail on Saturday. Those were two tough days for a flatlander! Took the cog railroad down. My first thirteener and my first fourteener in one weekend. I was officially hooked!

Zach Owen - Sep 17, 2005 11:49 am

Route Climbed: Barr Trail Date Climbed: Sept 16, 2005  Sucess!

Thanks for putting in such a great trail Mr Barr. Left the TH at 6:45 AM and got back at 4:15 PM. Now I know why people shuttle the descent. Weather was great. Next time I'll camp at Barr Camp, and make a summit bid the next morning.


mountaindan - Sep 15, 2005 6:06 pm

Route Climbed: Barr Trail Date Climbed: 27 July 2005  Sucess!

Beautiful day! Very foggy and misty as we started, it felt as if we were walking through a rain forest. Broke out of the clouds at Barr camp and the rest of the day was awesome.

I loved being able to hitch a ride down the mountain with my wife and kids.

Definitely a unique experience

Gord Boston

Gord Boston - Sep 8, 2005 12:02 am

Route Climbed: Barr Trail Date Climbed: August 17, 2005  Sucess!

Very picturesque, and a straighforward hike if you take the cog railway back down. Unless you would like to share my experience of having an octogenarian run by you at 12,300 feet (or something similar) don't hike up the week before the marathon.


BeginnerClimber - Sep 6, 2005 7:37 pm

Route Climbed: Barr Trail Date Climbed: 15 July 2005  Sucess!

I love Pikes Peak, but Barr Trail has become a bit crazy. I had to stand aside about 20 times to get out of the way of moutain bikers coming down. Jeez. Walked with a friend, and summitted in 7 hours. Going back in late September 2005 and may try the up and down route, the full 26 miles. Stay tuned.


tdoughty - Sep 5, 2005 1:56 pm

Route Climbed: road Date Climbed: sept various  Sucess!

sure thing

chanman - Sep 4, 2005 10:12 pm

Route Climbed: Pikes Peak Highway Date Climbed: July 2, 2005  Sucess!

My wife, daughter and I reach the summit in about 40 minutes after we paid our toll. Encountered high winds, snow and lightning and had to go inside the summit house.

Mike Mc

Mike Mc - Aug 28, 2005 10:43 pm

Route Climbed: Barr Trail Date Climbed: February 25, 2005

I have climbed Barr Trail and Pikes Peak many times; however, a winter accent was quite a different ballgame. According to the Barr Camp keeper, our party was the first to make a summit attempt in two weeks. At about 13,000, the snow was getting really deep (even with snowshoes), and the weather was moving in, so we headed back.

Woodie Hopper

Woodie Hopper - Aug 25, 2005 9:15 am

Route Climbed: Northwest slopes (Crag's TH) Date Climbed: 7/23/05  Sucess!

Long easy hike, get early start. Hiked with Robert Flynn (Nashville) his first 14er.


shknbke - Aug 25, 2005 12:37 am

Route Climbed: Barr trail Date Climbed: Aug 20, 2005  Sucess!

Ran/speed hiked my 2nd Pikes Peak Ascent and 5th summit of Pikes. I finish just as the heavens unleashed a barrage of hail, snow, and graupel on the rest of the runners. The road was closed stranding over 600 people on the summit. Epic weather in August!


Avsfan023 - Aug 24, 2005 10:08 pm

Route Climbed: Northwest Slopes Date Climbed: August 29, 2003  Sucess!

Thank you Andy and Brian! What a great day!


LoriOLin - Aug 22, 2005 6:11 pm

Route Climbed: Drove up! Does that count? Date Climbed: August 11, 2005  Sucess!

This was my feeble attempt at getting acclimated in Colorado before hiking up Mount Elbert the next day. Went from 30' to 14,110' in a day. I felt a little drunk at the top. The day was to crummy to see anything or hike around.


Chris - Aug 21, 2005 8:53 pm

Route Climbed: Barr Trail - Pikes Peak Ascent 1/2 Marathon Date Climbed: August 20, 2005  Sucess!

Wow, what a day. Beautiful at the start, but lightning, hail, and snow near the top... wound up snowing 8"+. The race was called early due to lightning (smart move on the officials part) and the road was closed due to the snow, stranding hundreds of (mostly) unprepared runners and spectators at the summit for 4 hours. Lots of oxygen and IVs being administered to those not accustomed to spending hours at 14,000' :-) Time was a kinda slow 4hr 57min.

An unusual but fun way to climb a 14er...


01aCRViper - Aug 20, 2005 1:43 pm

Route Climbed: Road :( Date Climbed: August 15th, 2005  Sucess!

drove up, as we were only in the area for half a day. next time i'm in the area i'll go back and get it the real way :)


Helga - Aug 20, 2005 12:34 am

Route Climbed: Barr Trail Date Climbed: 8.17.2005  Sucess!

Time saving cheater to avoid afternoon TS. Took 8:00 AM Cog to Mountview and hiked to A-frame, reached summit at 1:20. Descended close to 3:00 PM with li'l break at Barr Camp, got to Ruxton by 8:00 PM; still a long day on trail!


cp0915 - Aug 17, 2005 1:12 pm

Date Climbed: Aug 12, 2005  Sucess!

Cheated my way up this one - but what a view! Took the time to find and step on the highpoint behind the, ugh, snack bar/gift shop. Also did some cragging just below the summit plateau.


hoosierhiker - Aug 12, 2005 11:28 am

Route Climbed: Crags Date Climbed: July 27, 2003  Sucess!

With essentially no acclimitization, my friend Jeremy and I took the Crags route to the summit. The going was slow and we got a relatively late start of 6 a.m. and so ran into bad weather on the day down, which is to be expected in the mountains in the afternoon. We made the decision to ditch the trail and hitch our way back to the trailhead. See my trip report "Tour de Pikes" for the full story.


kjkrow - Aug 9, 2005 4:37 pm

Route Climbed: Crags Campground Trail Date Climbed: July 30, 2005  Sucess!

Great early morning climb with some confusion in the early stages. Reached the summit at 8:00 AM and was back at the car by 10:30. Almost nobody on the way up and 40 or 50 on the way down. There was also a small herd of sheep on Pike's broad shoulder.

Great climb overall.


woodstrider - Aug 8, 2005 5:26 pm

Route Climbed: Barr Trail Date Climbed: 8/76 band 8/91  Sucess!

I hiked to the summit 2 out of three attempts. Sure was a funny sensation to reach the top after passing through such wonderful and awesome landscape only to be confronted with a cog-rail, Parking lot and trading post. Though, I did appreciate the hot chocolat.


davebobk47 - Aug 5, 2005 2:16 pm

Route Climbed: Barr Trail Date Climbed: September 10, 2004  Sucess!

Very bad altitude sickness. Thank goodness I had a ride down.

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