Aaron Johnson
OfflineA Little About Me
I was a member of the SummitPost staff for 9 years. I helped SP's owners build SP into the impressive web site it is today. I was instrumental in the management of the trip reports and articles displayed on the Home Page. After SPv2 was created, I was instrumental in instituting the display featuring mountain and route pages, SP's most important feature and resource. These tasks were ultimately delegated to other staff members. I also played a large though imperfect role in the moderation of SP's forum.
I have organized numerous SP Gatherings in Colorado, all of which have been successful. I also assisted countless members in the creation and management of their pages at SP, changed countless member IDs, transferred countless pages and responded to literally thousands of PMs and emails on subjects ranging from contributions and how-tos, to controversial and complicated matters between members resulting from forum conflicts.
After 9 years of SP staff duty, taking in to account where SP was apparently heading, the time was right for me to quietly step down from my post in 2009. A major factor was the beginning of subsequent harassment from trouble making forum participants via PMs that convinced me it was not worth tolerating such intrusions for the sake of being on the SP staff.
After my resignation, it became apparent that SP and I were destined to go our separate ways. For the record, I resigned my position at SP on July 9th, 2009. I no longer contribute to SP, my pages have been transferred to other qualified members, or my material has been removed entirely. Other than occasional forum posts (see below), all activity on my part ceased on my birthday, March 19, 2012.
I have since realized that all of my efforts and the influential role I had at making SP what it is today will be forgotten. This page is the only testament to this fact. All that we do is very temporary, and this is certainly the case with anything posted on the internet.
As the song goes:
All we are is dust in the wind...
Everything is dust in the wind...
And that even includes SummitPost. As "grand" as it is now, it too will one day be gone and everyone here, and everything everyone ever did here, from the wonderful pages that built SP's reputation, to the most worthless and vile posts made in the forum, will be less than dust. It will vanish.
My heartfelt best and hopeful wishes for a happy and prosperous life are extended to my fellow SummitPost members who toiled along with me to make SP as great as it could possibly be, as well as all of my SummitPost friends whom I've had the privilege of hiking and climbing with over the years. You folks are the true reason for SP's greatness, and the best benefit and motivator for being an SP member.
May we one day meet on the trail, and until then, take care, climb safe, and God bless!
Aaron Johnson
I have organized numerous SP Gatherings in Colorado, all of which have been successful. I also assisted countless members in the creation and management of their pages at SP, changed countless member IDs, transferred countless pages and responded to literally thousands of PMs and emails on subjects ranging from contributions and how-tos, to controversial and complicated matters between members resulting from forum conflicts.
After 9 years of SP staff duty, taking in to account where SP was apparently heading, the time was right for me to quietly step down from my post in 2009. A major factor was the beginning of subsequent harassment from trouble making forum participants via PMs that convinced me it was not worth tolerating such intrusions for the sake of being on the SP staff.
After my resignation, it became apparent that SP and I were destined to go our separate ways. For the record, I resigned my position at SP on July 9th, 2009. I no longer contribute to SP, my pages have been transferred to other qualified members, or my material has been removed entirely. Other than occasional forum posts (see below), all activity on my part ceased on my birthday, March 19, 2012.
I have since realized that all of my efforts and the influential role I had at making SP what it is today will be forgotten. This page is the only testament to this fact. All that we do is very temporary, and this is certainly the case with anything posted on the internet.
As the song goes:
All we are is dust in the wind...
Everything is dust in the wind...
And that even includes SummitPost. As "grand" as it is now, it too will one day be gone and everyone here, and everything everyone ever did here, from the wonderful pages that built SP's reputation, to the most worthless and vile posts made in the forum, will be less than dust. It will vanish.
My heartfelt best and hopeful wishes for a happy and prosperous life are extended to my fellow SummitPost members who toiled along with me to make SP as great as it could possibly be, as well as all of my SummitPost friends whom I've had the privilege of hiking and climbing with over the years. You folks are the true reason for SP's greatness, and the best benefit and motivator for being an SP member.
May we one day meet on the trail, and until then, take care, climb safe, and God bless!
Aaron Johnson
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