

A Little About Me

My favourite area & range: Massif des Ecrins.
Gaston Rébuffat wrote:"C'est un paradis sauvage fait pour le bonheur des hommes, des fleurs et des bêtes. Ici, on marche, on grimpe, on respire, on regarde, on écoute le silence, on entend vivre la nature en toute liberté."
"This is a wild paradise made for happiness of men, flowers and beasts. Here, one walks, one climbs, one breathes, one watches, one listens to the silence, one hears nature living in full freedom."

CAF Club Alpin Français since 1967
alpinism from 1963 to 1977, now hiking and nordic skiing
First ascent
Mont Adi (Pyrénées Espagne) 1956
First 2000m
Tête de la Cicle (Massif du Mt Blanc Alpes France) 1963
First 3000m
Mont Tondu (Massif du Mt Blanc Alpes France) 1963
First 4000m
Gran Paradiso (Italia) 1966
First and only 5000m
  Cerro Chacaltaya (Bolivia) 1973
First summit by ski Grand Colon Belledonne (France) 1968
Highest summit by ski Levanna Occidentale Vanoise (France) 1970
Highest pass by ski
Col du Tour Noir massif du Mt Blanc (France)1970
Highest lake Laguna Grande de la Sierra Nevada del Cocuy (Colombia) 1973

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