Flash Training


Flash Training
Page Type Gear Review
Object Title Flash Training
Manufacturer How To Rock Climb Series
Page By Dan Dalton
Page Type Jul 30, 2007 / Jul 30, 2007
Object ID 3597
Hits 3311

Product Description

This is another one of Eric Hoerst's training books from his 'How To Rock Climb Series'. On top of giving training advice and maximize strength, flexibility, and overall climbing success, there is an amazing section on diet, how to train for climbing mentally, and several interviews with strong climbers. I always carry this book around with me as it gives adivce for most situations. Very well organized and well written, this guide outlines several techniques on training that I found extremely usefull and continue to use today. There is also a great section on recovery and injury information. Bottom line, this book has it all.

Weather you have been climbing for years or are just getting into the sport and want to learn how to become a great climber, this books is an invaluable resource. A great book worth the money.

Book Description

Here is what Eric has to say about the book:

Eric Horst presents the most comprehnsive look into training for rock climbing available to date. Expert contributors include: Mia Axon, Russ Clune, John Gill, Jonathon Houck, Lynn Hill, Susanne Paulson, Steve Petro, Mike Pont, Dr. Mark Robinson, Todd Skinner, Kurt Smith, Glenn Thomas, Tim Toula, and Barbara Turner RDN.



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