Laser Arc Climbing Rope - 9.6mm


Laser Arc Climbing Rope - 9.6mm
Page Type Gear Review
Object Title Laser Arc Climbing Rope - 9.6mm
Manufacturer Edelweiss
Page By Dow Williams
Page Type Apr 6, 2008 / Apr 6, 2008
Object ID 5216
Hits 6282

Product Description

Looking for the elegant handling and durability of an Edelweiss rope but also need to shave off weight to send your project? The Laser Arc 9.6mm is the ultimate smooth-handling, lightweight solution. At 61g/m it isn't the lightest rope in its class but with the Edelweiss Perdur and EverDry coatings it is certainly one of the most durable. In tests, Perdur was shown to increase a rope's abrasion resistance by up to 33%, and when you're talking about an ultra-thin line like this, safety and durability should definitely be a concern. Edelweiss' Arc sheath weave scores additional safety points by creating two distinct patterns, one on each end of the rope, to make it easy for you and your belayer to identify the mid-point of the rope for lowering and to alternate tie-in ends. Comes in 60m and 70m lengths.


Thickness: 9.6mm
Type: Single Rope
Length: 60m and 70m
Dry: Yes
Sheath Construction: Double-pick
Impact Force: ~8kN (with 80kg)
Elongation: 7.5%
Center Mark: Yes
Falls: 6
Recommended Use: Sport, Alpine
Weight: 61g/m



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Dow Williams - Apr 6, 2008 12:41 pm - Voted 5/5

I use this as my 70m rock trad rope. A combination of weight, 61g/m, and durability is what I need here and am totally impressed with the Arc. Only my 2nd Edelweiss rope. I use their "sharp" doubles on rock as well. I believe the Perdur treatment is an advantage when it comes to durability. My ropes see a lot of action. When walking off an objective with a 70m on your back, you appreciate the weight ratio. Although not the lightest, the best at combining safety with lightweight I believe.

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