

Page Type Gear Review
Object Title Deluxe
Manufacturer First Need
Page By Brian Jenkins
Page Type May 13, 2002 / May 13, 2002
Object ID 289
Hits 4424
- Purifies water naturally, instantly and ecologically.

- Direct-Connect (TM) attaches the unit snugly atop most trail and bike water bottles (including Nalgene)

- Fully backwashable for cleaning in the field: no brushing, scraping or contact with pathogens.

- Comes with self-cleaning pre-filter, adjustable float, 36-in. long inlet hose, integral sanitary cover and nylon carrying bag.

- The only non-chemical water purifier certified to EPA Guide Standard for microbiological purifiers against bacteria, cysts and viruses.

- Also removes unpleasant taste and certain chemicals.


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Brian Jenkins - May 13, 2002 4:23 pm - Voted 4/5

Untitled Review
One of the best items I've ever purchased and has served me well for over 5 years. Sure it's not the lightest one out there and the pumping action is nothing to be proud of but this piece of equipment has been bombproof for me. I've used it from glacial meltwater to algae-strewn lakewater to a mosquito-larvae-infested puddle in Utah's Canyonlands and the water has always been tasteless, odorless and pure. Never any problems. Had to get a new filter canister (which are about $39 at REI) after about 3 years and that just screws in but otherwise no maintenance required. If it wasn't for the awkward pumping on this, I'd give it 5 stars. I doubt I'll ever use anything else.

mrolph - Jun 5, 2002 6:20 pm - Voted 2/5

Untitled Review
Before you buy any water filter, consider what risk you're trying to protect yourself from. If your primary reason for carrying a filter is giardia, take a look at this article. Giardia may not be the problem we were led to believe.

If you need protection from viruses and bacteria as well as giardia and cryptosporidium and you don't want to boil water or use chemicals, the First Need is an option. For most mountain areas, that level of filtration is not necessary (and if it is, I think I'll boil my water). The Pur Hiker is lighter, more compact, and much easier to pump than the First Need. I also had occasional problems getting my First Need to prime.

UPDATE 10/14/2002 (Further explanation of my 2 stars rating):

The rating is based on my personal application and my level of concern about water quality. I hike and climb primarily in the Sierra Nevada mountains of California where 99% of the time I'm content to drink the water without filtration or treatment. Having the extra level of filtration that the First Need Delux can provide (compared to the Pur Hiker) is not a big benefit for my application.

If I was going to hike or climb in an area where water sources and quality are not predictable (such as the desert portion of the Pacific Crest Trail), I might choose to carry my First Need (but I would still complain about the weight, bulk, difficulty to pump, and general hassle). For such an application I would rate the First Need 3 or 4 stars. I have yet to find a water filter that I would give five stars.

Glencoe - Sep 29, 2002 5:35 pm - Voted 5/5

Untitled Review
Having used a variety of products over the years I am very happy with the First Need. First Need make water filtration systems for yachts and industrial applications. This expedition filter brings that know how to the outdoorsperson.

The First Need pump has the best filtration capabilities of all of those in review here. I once had to pump stagnant puddle water through it and got great results. If you want to be really, really sure your water is clean - this is your filter.

Some other great features - gravity feed. You can attach any plastic bag to the inculded fitting, fill it with water, hang it from a tree and let gravity push it through the pump. A variety of adapters area available for all kinds of bottles and hydration sacks (Sigg and Nalgene adaptability are built in).

Very easy to maintain in the field. If the filter gets blocked you can clear it by just attaching the hose at the oppostie end of the filter and pumping it out.

Its not perfect, but it's the best out there. I think the rating here that gives it 2 stars (for being better than the reviewer needed it to be) was unfair - so I'm giving it the full 5 stars.

Distel32 - Oct 27, 2002 7:01 pm - Voted 5/5

Untitled Review
I had the old model since 1990, and it worked like a charm for twelve years. Definetly the best filter out there. Easy to pump, not as bulky as some people claim, and the water tastes better than tap water. I've filtered from ponds where you can't even tell water lurks, yet it comes out clear, and tastes great. I highly suggest looking into this filter.

martin020 - Jun 30, 2005 2:10 pm - Voted 4/5

Untitled Review
My dad originally bought an older model about 10 or 11 years ago, and I now use it on my many excursions. It is a very good filter, and most importantly, from my point of view, it is trustworthy and tough, taking years of punishment.

Pros: As I said above, it is trusworthy, and has worked great for years, and it can take a beating from what I have seen. Very good filter for the price.

Cons: Note that my negative remarks about this are probably due to the fact that my First Need is old, 10 years old.It is getting a little slow to pumpand having replaced the filter inside I am assuming it is beginning to bite the dust. Wear is taking its toll finally... A good ten years though, yeah, that is really good for any gear. A little on the heavy side however.

To put it shortly, great filter, get it if you wany dependability and durability.

Flanders - Apr 1, 2007 8:32 pm - Voted 4/5

Ditto Mr Jenkins
For years I boggarted Brian Jenkin's pump and was so impressed after our trip in Canyonlands (the water was literaly infested with bugs and no more than a puddle in a rock) that I immediately bought my own. I have never worried about my water when using the product and it never has an odd after-taste.

Only drawback is the weight but could very well be worth every ounce.

hawkman - Jul 23, 2007 6:51 pm - Voted 5/5

Rave reviews!!
I am constantly being told how great the water that comes out of my purifier tastes. On many backpacking trips people will only drink water from my purifier no matter how many other water systems are brought with us.
The First Need system is easy to use, easy to clean and worth every ounce of its weight.
I highly recommend this item to my backpacking partners and to you as well.

Deltaoperator17 - Nov 22, 2008 9:17 am - Hasn't voted

The First water system is simply the best, Yes bulkier than most wieghts a little more but a couple of ounces is no big deal.

Alex Wood - Dec 3, 2008 9:04 pm - Voted 4/5

Great Filter
Great flow and it can purifies some of the most disgusting water. I have had mine for almost five years now. Downside is, that the filters clog easily and you need to backwash. Sometimes the backwash doesn't work. The filters arent' cheap.

theta - Sep 3, 2009 3:10 am - Voted 5/5

Best Filter
This filter is definitely my favorite piece of hiking equipment. Never had it clog so far using relatively clear alpine streams, and the flow rate more than makes up for the weight.

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