At the beginning: This route leads to no summit. But it allows to circle around
Oeschinensee, the beautiful mountain lake above
Kandersteg (see main page), in about three hours. It has mountaineering importance as shortest passage between
Fründenhut and
Blüemlisalphut. With some luck capricorns may be seen in the coombe called "I de Fründe".
The small grassgrown ledge that runs through the vertical wall rising out of lake Oeschinensee at its eastern end is called the (lower) Fründenschnuer. A narrow and vertiginious path leading along the "Schnuer" about 250 m over the water-surface connects the huts of Underbärgli with the ascent Kandersteg - Fründenhut. It offers great views down to the lake. Suitable only for persons really free from giddiness!
Some cairns and few red marks for better orientation.
Some fixed wire ropes for self-belaying (not completely protected, cables not of best quality). Good weather is required.
Besides: Blüemlisalp can be ascendend over the "upper" Fründenschnuer, that leads from Underbärgli to Rothornsattel some hundreds meters higher than the "lower" Schnuer.
Kandersteg (see main page) there are several footpaths to the inns at the western lakeside of Oeschinensee. They can be reached within an hour from the valley-station of the chair-lift Kandersteg-Läger ("Oeschinenbergbahn"). The most beautiful (narrow) footpath leads from the upper end of the
camping site of Kandersteg on the whole parallel to the lift to the mountain station and in another quarter of an hour down to the lake. Following the information on the signposts in less than an hour from the lakeside to the huts of Underbärgli.
Route Description
Having reached Underbärgli turn right (south) at the upper hut (with attendance, ca. 1.800 m). The narrow path leads (via point 1.834 m, passing another hut) into the Fründenschnuer. Over the small grassgrown ledge (alt. about 1.800m) into the following coombe ("I de Fründe"). Slightly rising and crossing three brooks the footpath to Fründenhut is reached nerby a great boulder, 1.930 m. About 1 hour from Underbärgli.
From here turning left (S) Fründenhut is reached within 1,5 hours. Turning right (north-west) will bring you back to the inns at the lakeside and down to Kandersteg (another 1,5 hours).
Essential Gear
A harness (via-ferrata-equipment) is useful.
- Kandersteg - Oeschinensee - Underbärgli - Fründenschnuer - Oeschinensee - Kandersteg
Route as described above. Can be shortened by using the chair-lift Kandersteg - Läger.
5 hours
- Kandersteg - Läger - Heuberg (1.939 m) - Oberbärgli - Underbärgli - Fründenschnuer - Oeschinensee - Kandersteg
Only 1 hour longer than No. 1 but much more beautiful. Marvellous views from Heuberg to Blüemlisalp, Fründenhorn and north face of Doldenhorn (Galletgrat). From mountain station of the chair-lift follow the way towards Läger for 1 km. Then the footpath to Oberbärgli via Heuberg branches off to the left (signpost).
Can be shortened by using the chair-lift Kandersteg - Läger.
6 hours
- Fründenhut - Fründenschnuer - Oberbärgli - Blüemlisalphut
5 hours