Gannett Peak Climber's Log

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mtnhxc - Nov 6, 2006 4:33 pm Date Climbed: Jul 9, 2005

Route Climbed: Gooseneck Glacier  Sucess!

I climbed Gannett during the third week of my NOLS course after comming up the Grasshopper and Gannett Glaciers from the Orange Wall. We camped at about 11,250' directly below the Grasshopper Glacier, and climbed the glacier and the ridge to the summitt the next day. The weather was perfect and the views were amazing, especially the sunrise from about halfway up the Gooseneck Glacier. We left the next day via Bonney Pass and Knapsack Col before camping about a mile west of Peak Lake. Excellent climbing and one of the most memorable parts of my course.


PellucidWombat - Aug 24, 2006 8:42 pm Date Climbed: Aug 21, 2006

Nice Dayhike via Titcomb Basin-Gooseneck Pinnacle  Sucess!

I had a twisted plan to hike this peak in less than 24 hrs RT from the Pole Creek Trailhead and on August 21st I carried out this plan with my friend Joel Wilson. We started out extremely sleep deprived, which slowed us down, but we still managed to complete the hike in 23:36! See our trip report for more info and photos.


osatrik - Aug 14, 2006 8:04 pm Date Climbed: Jul 24, 1990

SHP # 36, in 1990  Sucess!

Number 36 of my 49 state high points, number 35 for Vanessa. We went with a group of 8 we hooked up with via Highpointers. We sat out a snow squall in a bergschrund on the way up, and waited out a thunderstorm above the Gooseneck Pinnacle on the descent. But what a wonderful adventure. We did a 5-day trip from the north (Debois) side, and had a packer bring in our climbing gear.

Mountain Jim

Mountain Jim - Aug 2, 2006 2:31 am Date Climbed: Aug 8, 1993

Standard Route  Sucess!

Long approach, but it's more than worth it. Beautiful peak in a beautiful mountain range.


zoink - Aug 1, 2006 9:37 pm Date Climbed: Jul 30, 2006

Elkhart-Titcomb-Northface  Sucess!

Started from Elkhart went up Titcomb. Summited on the northface. Had to leave the glacier as a crevasse had openened up. Covered the last 700 or so verticle feet on rock. Took about 13 hours largly due to slowness on my part.


Alpinist - Jul 30, 2006 8:04 pm Date Climbed: Jul 26, 2006

Cold Springs - Gooseneck Glacier Route  Sucess!

Classic and challenging climb. My partner and I were the only ones on the mountain that day. This is my 16th state highpoint and the most challenging so far, mostly due to the long approach.

Trip report.


SawtoothSean - Jul 17, 2006 4:38 am Date Climbed: Jul 14, 2006

Top of Wyoming  Sucess!

Used the Elkhart Park Trailhead to Titcomb Basin the first day. Summitted without use of ropes or protection on day 2 and out on day 3. The glacier was mostly closed up and the steep snow was stable and great for steps. The most challenging part was the approach with a large pack. Save some weight and leave the pickets, ropes, harness, ice-screws home if your going in July and have some experience.


IamLubos - Jul 7, 2006 2:44 am Date Climbed: Jun 21, 2006

june climb  Sucess!

6 day trip from the Dubois side with 4 other guys. We summitted on the fourth day. The route to the top was much more technical than I had expected. Gannett makes Rainier feel like a walk in the park. However, it was a very rewarding climb with a superb scenery. TR is at


NanitaD - Mar 31, 2006 1:06 am Date Climbed: Aug 8, 1993

From Trail Lakes Ranch  Sucess!

The "Woolly Bully" expedition hiked the Glacier trail by Double Lake, Star Lake, and Honeymoon Lake. On our second day we were excited when we finally glimpsed Gannett and our route up the Gooseneck Glacier. The next day we had a magnicificant day for our climb. Returning to our camp by about 4:00 we celebrated with backcounty "Yukaritas" made with limeade, Y.J. (Yukon Jack) and clean glacier snow. We mixed some "decent helper" made of Y.J. and wildberry punch to help us down boogie on down the unending switchbacks to the Trail Ranch Lakes trailhead.


noggin - Mar 7, 2006 1:26 am Date Climbed: Jul 6, 2005

Rewarding Trip  Sucess!

We spent two days hiking in to finally camp above the Titcomb Lakes. Haven't seen more rewarding sights than viewing Gannet for the first time once topping Bonney Pass. There was still plenty of snow in Titcomb Basin which made going up Bonney Pass much easier I think (no scree). There was no bergschrund, and gliassading down Gooseneck Glacier was fun. By having snow over Bonney Pass we (bc44caesar) could just glissade down it as opposed to a brutal walk down. I'd reccomend this time of year. However the mosquitoes below treeline were brutal (bug spray is essential).

Rufio the Merciful

Rufio the Merciful - Jan 9, 2006 8:31 pm

Route Climbed: Gooseneck Glacier via Titcomb Basin/Bonney Saddle Date Climbed: 08/10/2005  Sucess!

Very smooth trip,,,Camped on pass two nights. Experienced a nasty storm on the second evening after summitting.

Got a 4AM start,,,on summit before 10. Snow conditions were agreeable though the edges of everyone's favorite snow bridge were buckling by our descent. Overall, I think it was pretty solid.

I took a digital video camera up the mountain and got some great footage,,,with some editing and musical additions, a documentary of great personal value was made. The summit footage is a great escape down on 'civilized' soil.

Mosquitoes were as bad as everyone says. They were worse in fact. My crewmates looked like Pig Pen with that relentless black cloud buzzing around their heads.

Honestly, the approach was as rewarding as the summit. Simply beautiful.


whip - Dec 19, 2005 5:21 pm

Route Climbed: North Face Date Climbed: June 16, 2005  Sucess!

Great climb, mixed route, personally a first as far as technical peak ascents. Weather was perfect for the entire day, but more noticably we were treated to a beautiful sunrise just before crossing the bergshrund.

montana boy

montana boy - Dec 6, 2005 12:13 am

Route Climbed: Gooseneck Glacier/via Gannet cirque Date Climbed: July 9, 2005  Sucess!

Sweet climb on a beautiful day. Summit ridge was icy snow and felt very "alpine".


asmrz - Oct 21, 2005 10:05 pm

Route Climbed: The North Face Date Climbed: August 29th, 2005  Sucess!

Penelope May and I climbed the North Face in 20 hours RT from Titcomb Basin on August 29th, 2005. The route was wonderful snow, ice and easy 5th class rock journey combined with huge ammount of hiking and quite a bit of glacier crossing. We brought rope and rock/ice gear but found the route just good enough not to have to rope up for it. The route is (IMHO) wonderful alternative to the often climbed Gooseneck Pinnacle Ridge route and not too hard. In late season (September, October) this might be really good mixed technical route. Recommended.


millerw05 - Sep 15, 2005 1:33 pm

Route Climbed: Goosneck Glacier Date Climbed: August, 1990  Sucess!

Long trek in, but certainly well worth it. Snow bridge was solid and used some pro heading up. Got my first taste of altitude sickness on this climb. Roped and belayed crossing the bridge on descent due to sickness.


cackalackyclimber - Sep 1, 2005 12:52 pm

Route Climbed: Gooseneck Glacier via Titcomb Basin/Bonney Saddle Date Climbed: August 27, 2005  Sucess!

Perfect weather for our 4 days in the Wind Rivers, and the mosquitoes weren't bad at all. Made camp at the lower end of Titcomb Basin, which made for a VERY long summit day. Some firm snow still remains up Bonney Saddle (that's not a pass in my book), but lots of loose rock makes it very unpleasant, especially on the return in the dark. The glaciers were nice and firm with some respectable crevasses, but nothing too serious. The snowbridge over the schrund was still passable, but rather thin. We belayed across just in case, and rapped past on the decent. We were the only people on the mountain that day, and the first to sign the summit register in 3 days. An awesome climb!


amcfarre - Aug 25, 2005 10:01 am

Route Climbed: Glacier Trail - Gooseneck Glacier Date Climbed: Aug 16, 2005  Sucess!

Our 5 person group spent 3 days hiking in (no horse packers) on the Glacier Trail and camped in the last large patch of trees before the moraine. This gave us a more sheltered basecamp, but added about 45-60 minutes round trip to our summit day. However, this is a much easier summit day than starting from Titcomb. Snow bridge was in good shape and we probably saw 20 other people on the mountain that day. We left camp at 7am and summitted by 11am. We took a direct route to the glacier from the moraine and didn't get onto Dinwoody Glacier. Didn't spend much time on the summit with lowering dark clouds. The rain held off until we were back in the moraine, but then we got dumped on.

Full trip report and photos


dunsum - Aug 22, 2005 1:14 am

Route Climbed: Gooseneck Glacier Route Date Climbed: 15 Aug '05  Sucess!

Gooseneck Glacier Route from Titcomb Basin - climbed with Joe Bullough in just about 10 hours round trip. Fun route; made a quick scamper up the Gooseneck Pinnicle which, I learned upon getting to the top, leans quite frighteningly to the south.

Steve Gruhn - Aug 10, 2005 8:12 pm

Route Climbed: Pole Creek Trail/Seneca Lake Trail/Indian Pass Trail/Upper Titcomb Basin/Dinwoody Pass/Gooseneck Ridge Date Climbed: July 26, 2005  Sucess!

Fun climb. The snow bridge over the Gooseneck Glacier bergschrund was rotting out as we descended. One of my partners developed HAPE symptoms atop Dinwoody Pass and turned back.

mr kieran - Aug 6, 2005 5:51 pm

Route Climbed: Gooseneck Couloir via Titcomb Basin Date Climbed: August 2, 2005  Sucess!

Weather was atrocious....set off at 4 am, but might as well have slept in a few hours more. Snow conditions up Dinwoody Pass and on the glacier were excellent, but we roped up just for kicks. A few crevasses were easily avoided. The sun hit the peak gloriously a little after 5 and as soon as it did, a bank of clouds moved in to obscure it completely. Snowbridge was in good shape, snow nice and firm going up the couloir but not TOO firm. Couldn't see a damn thing on top...visibility was about 25 ft. It snowed and blew. It rained. Thunder rumbled and ice axes buzzed. It took us a bit under 11 hours round trip from upper Titcomb Basin, with the hardest stretch being the climb back UP to the pass from the Dinwoody side.

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