Milner Pass is where Trail Ridge Road crosses the Continental Divide. On the east side of the pass Poudre Lake forms the source of the Poudre River, which flows through Fort Collins, then into the Platte, Missouri, and finally down the Mississippi River to New Orleans. On the west the slopes drain into the Colorado River as it starts its journey to Utah and Arizona.
This trailhead serves as a good starting point for hiking along the Continental Divide, or following the Poudre River trail.
Driving Directions
From Estes Park drive to either the Fall River or Beaver Meadows entrance of the park, and continue on to Deer Ridge Junction, a "T" intersection where highways 34 and 36 join. It is about 4 miles from either entrance to the junction. Continue west on US 34 for another 22 miles to the trailhead, driving over Trail Ridge Road, one of the most spectacular drives in the country.
From Grand Lake, the town on the west side of the Park, drive north for about 18 miles to the trailhead.
Trail Ridge road is closed in winter, usually October - early June, and can occasionally close during bad weather in the summer. This trailhead is inaccessible by car when the road is closed for the winter.
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