jordansahls - Jul 30, 2006 5:29 pm - Voted 10/10
Amazing!Congrats on your success on Mont Blanc! It always feels amazing when you do something that you were never sure you had the ability to do in the first place, great job!
pablo - Aug 24, 2006 10:22 am - Hasn't voted
Re: Amazing!Thanks. Indeed we are yet digesting the story. You never know where your limits are !
Rafa Bartolome - Jul 30, 2006 9:20 pm - Voted 10/10
CongratulationsThanks to you what I remember when my dream come true the last year, in july of 2005. It's not only a high mountain it's really a beautifull and shine mountain!
Bienvenidos al club de los que hemos subido el Mont Blanc!!
pablo - Aug 24, 2006 10:23 am - Hasn't voted
Re: CongratulationsGracias. Es un placer compartir suenos.
Nyle Walton - Jul 31, 2006 2:43 pm - Hasn't voted
Fifty years agoIt appears that you took the same route I took forty-seven years ago. I reached the Gouter refuge alone but the next morning roped up between two German climbers to trudge to the top. The weather was perfect. See my summit registration.
pablo - Aug 24, 2006 10:28 am - Hasn't voted
Re: Fifty years agoWaaoo man, that's great !. I think you got a fantastic year. I consider San Fermin fiesta as one of the best of the world ! Even you were meeting Heminway... I was this summer in Cuba and we went to the famous "Bodeguita del Medio" in La Havana where he took his mojitos !
Congratulations Nyle for your long alpine career!
Charles - Jul 31, 2006 3:23 pm - Voted 10/10
well done!thanks,
pablo - Aug 24, 2006 10:41 am - Hasn't voted
Re: well done!thanks a lot !
Diego Sahagún - Jul 31, 2006 4:21 pm - Voted 9/10
Si, como dice...Rafa, bienvenido al club de los que hemos subido el Mont Blanc. A parte de esto quería preguntarte una cosilla. Por lo que se ve en la vista desde el Refugio Gouter había nevado recientemente y no tuvisteis buen tiempo el primer día ¿No?
pablo - Aug 24, 2006 10:41 am - Hasn't voted
Re: Si, como dice...Gracias Diego.
El dia anterior habia estado nevando e hizo bastante mal tiempo; hubo muy pocas cordadas que subieron. De hecho nosotros estabamos cruzando los dedos porque se nos acababa la estancia. Finalmente, el dia del ascenso solo tuvimos mucho frio y viento desde el Refugio de Gouter hasta el Refugio de Vallot. A partir de ahi Sol, sol, sol.
Diego Sahagún - Aug 24, 2006 5:00 pm - Voted 9/10
Re: Si, como dice...Ya se a que viento te refieres, la primera vez que intentamos el Mont Blanc lo sufrimos en Julio del 90. Nos volvimos desde el Vallot ya que aun éramos muy pardillos y decidíamos las cosas por votación. Los que dijeron de bajar decían que no llegaríamos a coger el último tren en Nid d'Aigle. Yo voté seguir adelante pero no salió. Bastante tiempo después, en Agosto de 2001 hicimos cumbre. Los que no subían se iban quedando por el camino, una pareja de amigos en el Dôme du Goûter y mi padre en el Vallot. A la vuelta nos fuimos encontrando con ellos y mientras se hablaba yo subí al Dôme du Goûter, una cima realmente plana.
eza - Aug 1, 2006 12:43 pm - Voted 10/10
Well done!!Enhorabuena, congratulations, félicitations... There aren't enough words for that climb, are there? And thank you for bringing back many happy memories of our climb in July 2005.
pablo - Aug 24, 2006 10:44 am - Hasn't voted
Re: Well done!!Thanks a lot. Absolutely right, it's impossible to describe accurately all the emotions and thoughts. In any case, as mentioned it was one of the happiest days of my life.
bbirtle - Aug 4, 2006 10:11 pm - Voted 10/10
Congratulations......Mont Blanc is certainly a great, hard-won summit. Nice one.
pablo - Aug 24, 2006 10:46 am - Hasn't voted
Re: Congratulations...Thanks a lot. True... not easy... a good dosis of courage was needed and then the tactics narrated in tr helped a lot ; ).
TodoVertical - Aug 10, 2006 12:12 pm - Voted 10/10
Sois unas maquinasBien hecho chicos !!
Con mis mejores deseos desde la region de Ladahk en el Himalaya de la India
pablo - Aug 24, 2006 10:47 am - Hasn't voted
Re: Sois unas maquinasMuchas gracias Jonas. Ten por seguro que tu has sido parte del exito. Espero que estes pasandotelo fenomeno en el Himalaya. Ya nos contaremos y enhorabuena por el evento de Cercedilla
Un abrazo
Dean - Sep 11, 2006 11:24 am - Voted 10/10
Great TRI had a chance to read your trip report Pablo and it was terrific.
Nicely done and thanks for sharing your adventure.
pablo - Sep 11, 2006 1:22 pm - Hasn't voted
Re: Great TRThanks a lot Dean. Good to hear from you again !
icypeak - Jan 29, 2007 10:47 pm - Hasn't voted
Congratulations!I am planning Mt Blanc this year and read your story with great enthusiasm. I was in Chamonix last year, got acclimatized and then the weather did not co-operate before the end of my vacation. So, I dream until this summer and thank you very much for sharing your story. If I make it, like you, it will likely be one of the happiest days of my life. Congratulations again on your super achievement!!!
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