Mountain Bibs


Page Type Gear Review
Object Title Mountain Bibs
Manufacturer The Noth Face
Page By dsnell
Page Type Aug 7, 2003 / Aug 7, 2003
Object ID 778
Hits 4100
North Face's serious, bomber shell bibs, for mountaineering, skiing, or snowboarding. Features include: full zip sides for easy on and off over boots; half-moon zip compartment in rear for when nature calls; large breast pocket. Made from Goretex's XCR (Extended Comfort Range) mateial.


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dsnell - Aug 7, 2003 8:28 pm - Voted 4/5

Untitled Review
I bought my TNF Mt. Bibs back in 1994 and have used them for skiing in whiteouts, ice climbing up dripping, frozen waterfalls, and mountaineering in summer and spring. They're a bit heavy, but they are bullet proof. I have never experienced the slightest wet feeling, even after ice climbing under the deluge of a dripping ice climb in winter in Colorado. They hold up to all kinds of abuse, including glissading over summer slush and numerous whipeouts while skiing.

As stated, the only downside is their weight, but if you want a truly bomber pair of pants, these are the ones.

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