Other adventure wishlist?

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Re: Other adventure wishlist?

by fatdad » Fri Dec 03, 2010 2:02 am

For me these lists are interesting in that they always remind of all the cool stuff I've done already. Still, the world's a big place:

Hike the JMT
Solo El Cap
Climb a peak in the Himalaya (even an easy one will do).
Redpoint Astroman
I like the Silk Road trip
Visit the Blue Mosque
Safari in Africa
Visit someplace historically and architecturally interesting like Jerash, Ephesus, Lalibela, etc.
Do a remote grade V in the Sierra

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Re: Other adventure wishlist?

by rasgoat » Fri Dec 03, 2010 2:45 am

I would hope to climb on Baffin Island. And those four girls Peaks in China And som Himilaya stuff. Oh and Aoraki - Cook

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Re: Other adventure wishlist?

by Scott » Fri Dec 03, 2010 3:39 am

We all have mountains and treks that are on our wishlist, but what other adventures will you be sad to not accomplish before you die.

I would like to trek several days through the remote jungles of Sumatra while looking for orangutans/other primates, all while taking with me my wife and two kids, ages 6 and 8.

Oh wait. I'm leaving next Wednesday. See you all next year.

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Re: Other adventure wishlist?

by mconnell » Fri Dec 03, 2010 3:45 am

Jow wrote:Cage Dive with Great White Shark

Cages are overrated. (OK, I didn't intentionally dive with one without a cage. He just sort of showed up after we were in the water!)

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Re: Other adventure wishlist?

by ExitibleBoy » Fri Dec 03, 2010 4:11 am

Shark dive?!?!? Are you mad? Sharks eat people like, all the fucking time! Base jump? Really? What is it about living that you dislike so much? Why not cover yourself in honey, march into a Grizzly bear den, stand between momma and her cubs all the while chanting 'You ain't got nothin' on Sarah Palin!'?

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Re: Other adventure wishlist?

by ExitibleBoy » Fri Dec 03, 2010 4:13 am

Sorry about that last post, I was a bit excited.

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Re: Other adventure wishlist?

by JHH60 » Fri Dec 03, 2010 4:54 am

Diving with sharks can be fun (never done it in a cage, but have had plenty of encounters with sharks in the open water), but what's really exciting is diving with dolphins, whales, sea lions, or big seals. They are faster, more powerful, and more intelligent than sharks (dolphins have been known to attack and kill great whites), and you get the feeling that they 1) know you are there and 2) could do some damage to you if they felt like it. Juvenile sea lions will swim straight towards you at high speed and turn away at the last minute, just to see if you flinched. It's basically marine mammal chicken...

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Re: Other adventure wishlist?

by JJBrunner » Fri Dec 03, 2010 10:59 am

ExitibleBoy wrote:Shark dive?!?!? Are you mad? Sharks eat people like, all the fucking time! Base jump? Really? What is it about living that you dislike so much? Why not cover yourself in honey, march into a Grizzly bear den, stand between momma and her cubs all the while chanting 'You ain't got nothin' on Sarah Palin!'?

That is actually on my list!

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Re: Other adventure wishlist?

by NW » Fri Dec 03, 2010 12:43 pm

What about climbing on the moon...I hear there's alot of first ascents waiting there....
I would like to go to Baffin Island to, well anywhere way up north really. Maybe try to make the trek that the Canadian/Russian team did, go from Cape Arkiticheskiy to Ellesmere Island in 1988, you know lots of mindless trudging in the cold white expanse of the north. Get up, have tea and dried food, take down tent, pick up pack, drag sled for hours on end, drop pack, put up tent, make tea go to bed and then do it all over again. Doesn't that sound like a nice relaxing vacation? I'ld like to go up into the Cirque of the Unclimbables, that place looks otherworldly. That one I'm sure could be in the future. I like the idea of traveling the Silk Road too, that would be awesome. But honestly I'ld love to go anywhere and everywhere. Though I'm not a huge fan of diving, I unexplainably find jellyfish repugnant and will do what I have to to not come in any contact with them. It's not because I'm girly I just don't trust them and their jelly....

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Re: Other adventure wishlist?

by John Duffield » Fri Dec 03, 2010 2:02 pm

NW wrote: Though I'm not a huge fan of diving, I unexplainably find jellyfish repugnant and will do what I have to to not come in any contact with them. It's not because I'm girly I just don't trust them and their jelly....

With a suit and diving deep, you don't have to worry so much about Jellos while diving. It's snorkeling. Snorkeling is underrated nonetheless. Much less gear and you can do it spur of the moment. Liable to see anything.

I lensed this white tip - snorkeling - from about 2 meters in the Galapagos.


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Re: Other adventure wishlist?

by SKI » Fri Dec 03, 2010 2:36 pm


Liberty Ridge

Before I die or get too fat:

Cassin Ridge

Thank you, Fortmental for the awesome Lib Ridge Page.

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Re: Other adventure wishlist?

by welle » Fri Dec 03, 2010 4:05 pm

Climb this some day:

The Grand Traverse car to car, develop some routes (I already know where), ice climb in Norway. Maybe once I'm old and too fat/too scared to climb, I'd dream up of some other adventures like sailing from Fl to Maine, but at this point of my life I only have climbing and shredding powder on my mind.

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Re: Other adventure wishlist?

by JHH60 » Fri Dec 03, 2010 6:05 pm

John Duffield wrote:
NW wrote: Though I'm not a huge fan of diving, I unexplainably find jellyfish repugnant and will do what I have to to not come in any contact with them. It's not because I'm girly I just don't trust them and their jelly....

With a suit and diving deep, you don't have to worry so much about Jellos while diving.

Yes and no... I did a lot of deepish (150-200') dives in Oct & Nov off Monterey. The surface water has been warm by Monterey standards (56F) so there have been *lots* of green water and jellies from 40' to the surface, including stinging sea nettles. While we spent most of our bottom time beneath the jelly layer, we spent an almost equal amount of time in the jelly layer decompressing. Drysuits mostly keep them off of you but we got some unavoidable (albeit mild) stings on the exposed parts of our faces.

But back to the original topic - I'd like to climb Denali, ideally by the West Rib, before I get too old and fat. I'd like to climb more of the Palisades summits. I'd love to see the rock towers in Baltoro region and in Patagonia (have no illusions that I'll be able to climb anything there).

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Re: Other adventure wishlist?

by ExcitableBoy » Fri Dec 03, 2010 7:58 pm

I worked on an oceanographic research project for a few years and spent a lot of time on the water. The scarriest thing I saw was a gigantic jelly fish with a crown 3 feet in diamater and 20 ft long, thick purple and orange tenticles. Creepy.

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Re: Other adventure wishlist?

by NW » Fri Dec 03, 2010 8:26 pm

It seems that everyone is sure they will end up fat when they're old..... lol some old people do adventurous things too! Though alot more sit watching wheel of fortune....

*edit* I meant The Price is Right.
Last edited by NW on Fri Dec 03, 2010 9:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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