Torreys Peak Climber's Log

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David Mortensen

David Mortensen - Jul 24, 2024 3:28 pm Date Climbed: Jul 23, 2024

Torreys  Sucess!

Grays and Torreys. The wildflowers were so good. I couldn't stop taking pics!


aakers - Dec 30, 2023 10:49 am Date Climbed: Dec 17, 2023

Kelso Ridge Winter Ascent  Sucess!

Started early in the morning, with insufficient snow to warrant huge avalanche concern, and still went by the winter route around Kelso and up the ridge. Gained the ridge shortly after 8 AM, and kept a steady, but relaxed pace, summiting just before noon. Was extremely windy throughout the entire duration of the route, but clear skies. Snow on the ridge was extremely variable, with a solid wind crust on the west side and soft, sometimes deep powder on the east side. Was aided by having an ice axe on only two occasions and the technical climbing was very accessible. Went over the top of the White Tower rather than traversing the west side. Very fun and fulfilling day.


LazyJSkwires - Aug 30, 2023 6:33 pm Date Climbed: Aug 30, 2023

Not at work  Sucess!

Wondering how many people out there today also called in sick, I know I did. Did the traverse from Grays then headed out. Definitely an easy up and down


JLuthanen - Jul 17, 2023 4:51 pm Date Climbed: Jul 13, 2023

Double bagger success  Sucess!

Got in from SeaTac @ midnight the night before, not to bed til 2am, up at 7 to drive south to Lone Tree for my Turo rental @ 8. 1.5mi drive into the trail before my poor Sedan could take no more. Hiked 1mi on the road and hitched the rest of the way to the TH. Sadly relating this as my latest start ever and my latest down time ever x_X - 10:15am start, ominous clouds formed up high on and off all day. Lots of people, lots of goats, marmots, and pika. Did alright for sea level with less than 10hrs of acclimation and no sleep, but started to breathe like a fish out of water ~13.7k. Lots of walk 30ft, drink water, walk 30ft, breathe hard the rest of the way up the typical route to Grays, down the saddle, and joined a team of ladies to finish up Torreys. Took the saddle shortcut back and a voluntary long 500+ ft glissade down before hoofing it all the way out. Back to TH by 5:45pm for another hitchhike down to car. Much longer day than anticipated! But fun and weather held


eferesen - Jun 25, 2023 6:09 pm Date Climbed: Jun 24, 2023

Perfect Day   Sucess!

Started at 4 am. It was perfect day. It got super windy at the ridge, but over all not too bad. Loved it.


cmcalhoun - Jun 20, 2023 9:09 am Date Climbed: Jul 25, 2022

Torreys  Sucess!



JThorne - Feb 27, 2023 8:47 pm Date Climbed: Jul 2, 2012

Torreys Peak  Sucess!

South Slopes


JThorne - Feb 27, 2023 8:47 pm Date Climbed: Jul 27, 2009

Torreys Peak  Sucess!

Chihuahua Gulch


Poteet - Jan 9, 2023 4:33 pm Date Climbed: Aug 13, 2021

Grays and Torreys Combo  Sucess!

Beautiful day, lots of people out hitting the trails. Saw some people doing Kelso, and got jealous ha.


Jim_The_Kid7 - Oct 19, 2022 4:00 pm Date Climbed: Oct 18, 2022

Torreys Peak  Sucess!

Did with Grays as well, beautiful fall day


LouisFasano32 - Dec 16, 2021 11:26 pm

Another 2fer  Sucess!

Second 2fer after doing Evans and Bierstadt.


eric-griz - Aug 30, 2021 8:21 pm Date Climbed: Aug 25, 2021

More photogenic than Grays  Sucess!

Hiked up after ascent of Grays Peak.


Titus - Aug 6, 2021 1:16 pm Date Climbed: Aug 16, 2015

Torreys Peak  Sucess!

With Sandra and Ben


sailgreatlakes - Dec 16, 2020 7:43 pm Date Climbed: Jul 15, 2020

Grays and Torreys  Sucess!

Attempted the Kelso ridge solo but turned around due to being alone, leaving my InReach at home, and high winds whipping over the ridge. Ended up summitting both peaks via the standard slog.


jake_the_snake - Aug 11, 2020 8:04 am Date Climbed: Aug 8, 2020

Grays & Torreys - Kelso Ridge  Sucess!

Great Run

Climbingwithewan - Jul 19, 2020 4:47 pm Date Climbed: Jul 19, 2020

Grays and Torreys   Sucess!

I did Grays and Torreys in 3:50. It started raining once I was in the Valley.


runbyu1 - Jul 15, 2020 12:39 pm Date Climbed: Jul 9, 2020

Up Kelso Ridge, Run Down via Grays  Sucess!

Came up the Kelso Ridge route which was super fun! Then ran over to Grays and then record time down from Grays to the Trailhead in 26:15.

williama3 - Jul 3, 2020 6:31 pm Date Climbed: Jul 3, 2020

Torreys Peak via Kelso Ridge w/ Xavier  Sucess!

The mountains are magical.


NorCalNomad - Nov 22, 2019 9:42 am Date Climbed: Sep 7, 2019

Grays and Torreys clockwise  Sucess!

3:3:23 clockwise. If you're going for a good time starting early definitely helps even on the downs since you don't have to stop/ weave in and out of people a lot less.


sierramtngoat - Sep 30, 2019 6:59 am Date Climbed: Sep 29, 2019

Via Trail  Sucess!

Got another chance to climb this (with Dave) after being denied the double by bad weather 11 years ago. Strong winds with gusts that would knock you over made it it difficult. No snow as of yet.

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