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Tips, tricks, workouts, injury advice.

Self-belay climbing using Micro Traxion

This video show solo top-rope climbing using Micro Traxion for self-belay.

What would you recommend for solo lead climbing?
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New Mentored Alpinism Fitness & Training Forum

ADK High Peaks Foundation (a NE regional forum) has a new sub-forum, Fitness and Training. This is located under the General Hiking category – those serious about training won’t want to miss this.

Steve House and Scott Johnston, authors of Training for the New Alpinism, are the mentors for the sub-forum. They bring an incredible depth of knowledge to the table and offer forum members a chance to interactively tap into the collective knowledge of ...
Read more : New Mentored Alpinism Fitness & Training Forum | Views : 6609 | Replies : 3

ACL ligament decision: cadaver, hamstring or patella

So, I recently tore my ACL (slipped on a wet rock while hiking across a creek bed). I'm going to have surgery. But I need to decide on which graft to replace it with. The options are cadaver (allograft), hamstring or patella tendon.

I tore my ACL in my other knee 17 years ago. The surgeon used the patella tendon (tendon under the knee cap). Great use, no problems, except extreme sensitivity to touch on ...
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Looking for feedback on my training plan for Rainier

Hello everyone,

I'm fairly new to mountaineering and was wondering if if could get feedback on my workout plan for summiting Rainier in May 2015. It will be a guided climb and the company is RMI. Some quick background info - I'm in my late 20's and I live in the Toronto (Canada) area (flat lands). I've accomplished some fairly challenging physical events including many half-marathons and this year, a full marathon.

My plan consists ...
Read more : Looking for feedback on my training plan for Rainier | Views : 25386 | Replies : 31

Change of plans, limited training for Aconcagua help!

Hi guys,

My original plan at the end of this year was to climb Aconcagua starting Dec 21. However in September I was offered an opportunity in Mexico which I took which effectively ended that notion, so I flew to Mexico last month and that is here I currently am.

Now the opportunity in Mexico hasn't really turned out as anticipated. My thoughts lead back to Aconcagua, and would it still be possible for me ...
Read more : Change of plans, limited training for Aconcagua help! | Views : 7500 | Replies : 9

Tips on crampon technique descending Aiguille du Midi


so the question is if there is a special crampon technique to descend Aiguille du Midi via arete or any other steep decline on a snow for that matter. Let's say i want to descend during late summer when there hasn't been too much snow so the path is not very wide. Putting weight on front of your feet makes me slide down a bit on almost every step which doesn't feel to safe. ...
Read more : Tips on crampon technique descending Aiguille du Midi | Views : 6504 | Replies : 4

Steep incline tech question.

Just currious when you guys do a steep snow incline (45-55 degree incline) do you zig zag? or do you go straight up? and why? I go straight up but I've seen others zig zag is this easier or safer or something??
Read more : Steep incline tech question. | Views : 7334 | Replies : 8

Hiking after Grade 1 MCL Sprain

What's the typical experience of most people here after a light MCL sprain?

A bit of background, I was stupid enough 8 days ago on a bachelor party in Savannah GA to jump in front of a car at 2 AM in a downpour (long story, but not really). Luckily enough, despite getting flipped upside down and into the air I'm only dealing with a Grade 1 MCL sprain (and somehow not even a scratch ...
Read more : Hiking after Grade 1 MCL Sprain | Views : 11927 | Replies : 2

First Time Using Snowshoes

My summer peakbagging plans have been derailed due to injury and limited finances. So I'm considering trying Mt. Elbert in the winter. I know the route can be done in the winter. I've never used snowshoes before so I have a few questions:

1. How do you train to use snowshoes? Do more calf raises, run longer, do other exercises to get used to walking in snowshoes?
2. Is this even advisable to attempt such ...
Read more : First Time Using Snowshoes | Views : 6132 | Replies : 5

Drag knots and running pro?

Random question -

So my wife and I are doing our first "two-person" climb together on Eldorado Peak this week where we'll be going just ourselves with no other party members. We're going to be set up on a single 60m rope and will be carrying coils with the plan of defaulting to the canadian drop-loop for our primary means of extraction (vs. say a ZxC). My original reasoning for this was to allow for ...
Read more : Drag knots and running pro? | Views : 4712 | Replies : 3


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