Velika Baba (Lepena)

Velika Baba (Lepena)

Page Type Page Type: Mountain/Rock
Location Lat/Lon: 46.29432°N / 13.70819°E
Activities Activities: Hiking, Scrambling, Skiing
Seasons Season: Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter
Additional Information Elevation: 6604 ft / 2013 m
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Velika Baba from the E-NEVelika Baba from the E-NE
Velika Babahaubi - Velika Baba from Lepena
You may ask yourself: "Haven't I heard this name already?" And find that you have. It is hard to answer the question why are Slovenian people so often naming their mountains "Baba". And not only Slovenian people. The name is in Slavic languages meaning "a woman" - usually an old one. In other languages it has other meanings as well.

So, in Slovenian mountains we have many shapes reminding people on an old, hunched woman. They are in Kamnik Alps (Lučka Baba, Velika Baba) in Karavanke (Dovška Baba, Ljubeljska Baba), in Kanin Group (Velika Baba) and the mountain we are describing here: Velika baba above Lepena valley.

Another special remark goes to the mountain group to which our Velika Baba belongs. It is Bohinj Group, but the mountain is so remote from Bohinj valley that it is actually belonging to the valley of Soča and its tributaries - Lepenjica in this case. People really rarely ascend Velika Baba from Bohinj.
Vprašali se boste: "Ali nisem za to ime že slišal?" In boste ugotovili, da ste. Težko je odgovoriti na vprašanje zakaj Slovenci tako pogosto poimenujejo svoje gore "Baba". Pa ne samo Slovenci. Ime v slovanskih jezikih pomeni "ženska" - običajno bolj stara. V drugih jezikih pa ima beseda tudi druge pomene.

V slovenskih gorah imamo torej mnogo oblik, ki ljudi spominjajo na staro, zgrbljeno žensko. So v Kamniških Alpah (Lučka Baba, Velika Baba) v Karavankah (Dovška Baba, Ljubeljska Baba), v Kaninovi skupini (Velika Baba) in tudi gora, ki jo opisujemo tu, ima ime: Velika Baba nad dolino Lepena.

Druga uvodna opomba pa se nanaša na gorsko skupino, kateri naša Velika Baba pripada. To je Bohinjska skupina. A gora je tako oddaljena od Bohinjske doline, da dejansko pripada dolini Soče in njenih pritokov - v tem primeru Lepenjice. Ljudje se res redko povzpnejo na Veliko Babo iz Bohinja.


Velika Baba is not a very important mountain. Still it has its dignity and value. Among the nearby mountains it is the highest and also the most impressive one. Its value is twofold: (1) It rises just above the hut at Krn lake. As a "hut mountain" it is recently quite often ascended. (2) From its summit one has perhaps the most beautiful view on Krn from the north and on Krn lake at its base. Also views in other directions are fine.

The mountain rises in the westernmost side ridge of Bohinj group. Actually, this ridge is the western edge of the broad Komna plateau. And that determines characteristics of our mountain. It raises from a karstic high plateau, all rocky, with many holes, shallow valleys, small ridges and hills, mostly covered with pine bushes and grass. You may not like that wild, to some people a bit boring landscape. But walking across those plateaus you discover also many incredible beauties, feeling like walking through a parc which was once a flourishing garden and is nowadays abandoned. That's how also one of our fairy tales goes.

The most impressive side of Velika Baba is the western one, the one towards Duplje valley and meadow. There, Velika Baba has a quite steep western wall, which is however not suitable for harder climbs. Towards the north a quite strong ridge goes on Kaluder, 1989 m, a rarely ascended mountain. That ridge turns on the summit of Velika Baba towards the east, continuing over Predolina, 1922 m, on Lanževica, 2003 m. But another ridge branch continues from Predolina also towards the south, on the nearby, strong Velika Montura, 1958 m.

The broad, high Komna plateau is in winter all covered with snow. Then this rugged world turns into an endless, undulated sea of small white hills. Crossing those plateaus in winter or spring is one of the greatest experiences which Julian Alps offer. And in that context Velika Baba can be one of the goals of a ski tour. Skiing can be done from the very summit.
Velika Baba ni prav pomembna gora. Vseeno pa ima svoj ponos in vrednost. Med bližnjimi vrhovi se dviga najviše in najbolj markantno. Njena vrednost izvira iz dveh dejstev: (1) Dviguje se tik nad Domom pri Krnskih jezerih, zato je kot »hišna gora« kar pogosto obiskana. (2) Z njenega vrha je nemara najlepši pogled na Krn s severne strani. V vznožju tega postavljača za povrhu leži še lepo Krnsko jezero.

Gora se torej nahaja prav na zahodu Bohinjskih gora. Greben, v katerem stoji, je pravzaprav zahodni rob velikanskega območja planote Komne. In to opredeljuje glavne lastnosti naše gore. Povsod naokrog se razteza visoka, zakrasela planota, s številnimi grički, kotanjami in brezni, poraščena z ruševjem in travo. Morda vam ta divji, za nekatere celo malce dolgočasen svet ni najbolj pri srcu. A ko hodiš čez te planote, odkriješ toliko izjemnih lepot, da zares ni čudno, da je v pravljici o Zlatorogu nemara v teh krajih bil rajski vrt, ki pa je danes malce opuščen.

Najmogočnejša stran Velike Babe je njeno zahodno ostenje, ki se spušča proti planini Duplje. Je kar visoko in strmo, a vseeno ni primerno za zahtevnejše plezalne vzpone. Od severa na Babo pride močan greben s Kaluderja, 1989 m, ki je bolj redko obiskana gora. Ta greben se na Babi obrne proti vzhodu in se čez Predolino, 1922 m, nadaljuje na Lanževico, 2003 m. A z grebena Baba – Lanževica se že kmalu (še zahodneje od Predoline) proti jugu odcepi še en greben, ki je pravzaprav nadaljevanje Kaludrovega. V njem je južno od Babe lep vrh, imenovan Velika Montura, 1958 m.

Komna in njene sosednje planote se pozimi spremenijo v blago vzvalovano morje zasneženih gričkov in dolinic. Prečkanje tega sveta na smučeh je nekaj najlepšega, kar Julijske Alpe ponujajo. Tako je tudi Velika Baba lahko cilj lepega smuka. Smučati je mogoče prav z njenega vrha.

Summit views / Razgled z vrha

As Velika Baba is rising above the end of Lepena valley, from its summit you have a quite open view towards the west, on the more remote groups of Julian Alps, such as Kanin, Viš and Montaž. Towards the south-west you have a great view on the upper end of Krn lake valley, with the sharp summit of Krn rising above it. The lake is most of the day lying in the shadow of Šmohor, but in the morning or evening its blue surface will bring some liveliness into the rugged karstic landscape. The rest of Krn massif is nicely seen too. Towards the south-east you can see the South Bohinj Range mountains and towards the east the broad Komna plateau with Lanževica summit, rising out of it. The view towards the north-east is nicely packed with the summits of Triglav group, with the king himself in the middle. And on the north some more high peaks of Julian Alps are rising behind the front ranges.Ker se Velika Baba dviguje tik nad dolino Lepene, je z njenega vrha razgled precej odprt proti zahodu, tudi na bolj oddalje skupine Julijcev, kot so Kaninova, Viševa in Montaževa. Proti jugozahodu je zelo lep pogled na zgornji del doline s Krnskim jezerom in na drzni Krn nad njim. Jezero je sicer precejšen del dneva v senci, a zjutraj in zvečer s svojo modrino zelo poživi okoliški kraški svet. Lepo pregleden je tudi preostanek Krnove skupine. Proti jugovzhodu vidimo greben Južnobohinj¬skih gora, ki se končuje na Bogatinskem sedlu. Proti vzhodu pa se seveda razprostira planotast svet Komne, nad katerim se dviguje vrh Lanževice. Tak svet se nadaljuje tudi proti severovzhodu, kjer se nad njim dvigujejo vrhovi skupine Triglava, še bolj proti severu pa iznad grebenov v ospredju tudi nekateri drugi visoki vrhovi Julijcev.

Lepena valley from Velika BabaLepena valley / Dolina Lepene
The view from Velika Baba towards the north-eastTowards Triglav / Proti Triglavu
Lanzevica from Velika BabaLanževica / Lanževica

Getting There / Dostopi

The best trailhead for Velika Baba ascent is the end of Lepena valley, 700 m. You drive there from the main valley of Soča and park by Dom dr. Klementa Juga (mountain hut). The other, but much longer option is coming from Bohinj valley. You park in the valley end, by Koča pri Savici (mountain hut).Najprimernejše izhodišče za vzpon na Veliko Babo je zatrep doline Lepene. Tja pripeljemo iz doline Soče. Parkiramo pri Domu dr. Klementa Juga. Druga, precej daljša možnost je vzpon iz Bohinja. Tudi tam parkirate v koncu doline, pri Koči pri Savici.

Summit ascents / Vzponi na vrh

There are practically only two recommended hikes on the summit of Velika Baba:Na vrh Velike Babe sta praktično le dve priporočljivi smeri vzpona:

From Lepena / Iz Lepene

You start the tour in the valley end, on 700 m and first go by a broad marked path (there are two variants) to Dom pri Krnskih jezerih (mountain hut), 1385 m. Till there you have a bit less than 2 hours of walk. Actually, already a few minutes before reaching the hut, you come on a crossroads, where you turn left - on the path on Velika Baba. You go eastwards and soon reach the place (still in the valley), where from the right the path from the nearby hut comes. From there on, you have only one marked path. First you continue left by the ex shepherds path which goes around kaluder summit, in the northern direction. After gaining some 100 meters of altitude, the marked path on Velika Baba turns sharply right and continues crossing the western slopes of Velika Baba in the south-eastern direction. So, it comes around the mountain, when passing a distinct SW tower of Velika Baba, the path ascends quite steeply and in one hour (from the hut) you will reach a high valley between Velika Baba and Velika Montura. On the eastern side the valley is closed with the ridge, connecting the two mountains, so the valley naturally pushes you to turn left again, on the eastern slopes of Velika Baba. There the path comfortably winds up towards the eastern summit ridge of Velika Baba. Where it reaches it, a nice view towards the north opens and from the right also a weak non-marked path joins. There you turn more left and start ascending steeply through pine-bushes and over open terrain. The summit is very close and you reach it in some 15 minutes. From Dom pri Krnskih jezerih 2 hours, from Lepena valley 4 hours. The ascent is easy.Turo začnemo pri koči, na višini 700 m. Najprej gremo po široki, markirani poti (sta dve varianti) do Doma pri Krnskih jezerih, 1385 m. Do tja je nekako 2 h. Pravzaprav se na pot na Veliko Babo s te pristopne poti odcepimo že nekaj minut preden pridemo h koči. Tam je razcep, kjer zavijemo levo, proti vzhodu. Kmalu se nam z desne priključi pot, ki pride na to drugo križišče naravnost od bližnje koče. Naprej gre samo ena pot. Najprej nadaljuješ levo. To je stara pastirska pot, ki gre čez pobočja in vse okrog vrha Kaludra na Planino za Črnim vrhom. Markirana pot se jo oprime za dobrih 100 m višine, nato pa sredi pobočij Babe ostro zavije desno in zapusti pastirsko pot. V zmernem vzponu še naprej prečka zahodna pobočja Babe, smer je proti jugovzhodu. Tako pot obide goro in ko je mimo značilnega jugozahodnega stebra Babe, se bolj strmo vzpne v visoko dolino med Babo in Veliko Monturo. Ta dolina je na vzhodu zaprta z že omenjenim veznim grebenom, zato nas naravno prisili, da se spet obrnemo proti levi in vzpon nadaljujemo čez jugovzhodna pobočja Babe. Prečkamo jih vse do vzhodnega grebena, kjer se odpre lep pogled na visokogorsko dolino onkraj grebena. Z desne se pridruži tudi nemarkirana stezica.

From below Bogatinsko sedlo (Vratca) / Izpod Bogatinskega sedla (Vratc)

The second approach is less frequented and comes from the south-east, across the high karstic plateau. There are many possibilities, especially in winter, when we can ascend with skis almost everywhere.

Bogatinsko sedlo (Vratca), 1803 m, is a high saddle, connecting Bohinj world with Krn group. From Bohinj you have some 4 hours till there, but if you are staying on Komna (two mountain huts) you can reach the saddle in 1 h 30 min by a good mule path. To start the tour on Velika Baba, you descend 100 meters, until reaching a broad basin between Vrh nad Gracijo, Lanževica and Velika Montura. You leave the broad path which descends from Bogatinsko sedlo to Krn lake on the place, where the path comes on the eastern slopes of Velika Montura. There you deter towards the north-west, around Velika Montura. If you are careful, you will find on the slopes a weak, un-marked path, ascending persistently up. So, you are gaining heigth and turning more and more to the western direction. Through a shallow valley you reach a distinct saddle N-NE of Velika Montura. There a nice view on Velika Baba opens.

You could of course continue towards the W-NW down in the high valley below Baba and join the marked path, described in the chapter above. But on the saddle below Velika Montura you have more options. First, consider ascending Velika Montura itself. You have only some 15 minutes up there. To continue on Velika Baba, it is best to continue towards the north, by the connecting ridge. A weak path goes there. The first bump in the ridge is detoured by the left, then ciarns lead you all the time towards the north, until you reach a passage below Predolina. Actually, there you are already on the eastern summit ridge of Velika Baba and you lost no altitude. Continue left, keeping a bit below the ridge. Ciarns will guide you around (or through) a dense dwarf-pine area, then you are already on the place, where from the left the marked path comes up. Now you have only the last 15 minutest of steep ascent to the panoramic summit.

From the place, where you deter from the marked path below Bogatinsko sedlo, you can also go directly towards the ridge of Predolina - on the passage, where you continue westwards on top. Altogether you will need only a good hour, if you go over the high saddle below Velika Montura, you have some 10 minutes more. From Komna you have on top of Velika Baba 2 h 30 min, from Bohinj 5 h. The ascent is easy, only orientation can cause you some problems - but only if visibility is poor.
Druga možnost pristopa na Babo je manj v rabi, prihaja pa od jugovzhoda, čez planoto. Tam je mnogo variant, še posebno pozimi, ko se s smučmi lahko vzpnemo domala kjerkoli.

Bogatinsko sedlo (Vratca), 1803 m, povezuje Bohinj s skupino Krna. Iz Bohinja je do tja nekako 4 h, če pa bivate v eni od obeh koč na Komni, je pa do sedla po dobri poti 1 h 30 min. Za vzpon na Veliko Babo se je treba s sedla spustiti še 100 m proti zahodu, v prostrano dolino med vrhovi: Vrh nad Gracijo, Lanževica in Velika Montura. Pot, ki gre sicer dol h Krnskemu jezeru, zapustiš na mestu, ko ta pride do vzhodnih pobočij Velike Monture. Tam skreneš proti severozahodu, okrog Monture. Če si pozoren, boš v pobočjih na levi našel šibko stezico, ki se vztrajno vzpenja. Tako dobivaš višino in se znova usmerjaš proti zahodu. Plitva, travnata dolinica te pripelje na sedlo severo-severovzhodno od Velike Monture. Z njega se odpre lep pogled na Babo.

Sedaj bi se po nadaljevanju iste poti lahko spustili v dolino pod Babo in se priključili markirani poti. A na voljo so boljše možnosti. Najprej razmislimo, če ne bi šli še na Veliko Monturo. Na vrh je vendar le 15 minut! Na Babo pa je najbolje nadaljevati po grebenu proti severu. Šibka stezica prvi vršič obide po levi (zahodni) strani, potem pa nas možici vodijo vse do prehoda pod vzhodnim grebenom Babe (blizu Predoline). Tako nismo izgubili nič višine, samo še zavijemo levo in se pod grebenom začnemo vzpenjati proti vrhu, ki je že čisto blizu. Možici nas vodijo okrog gostega ruševja ali skozenj, nato pa smo že na mestu, kjer z leve na greben pride markirana pot. Do vrha je še 15 minut vzpona.

Z mesta, kjer smo se od poti Bogatinsko sedlo – Krnsko jezero odcepili desno, bi lahko šli namesto na sedelce pod Veliko Monturo tudi kar naravnost na prehod pod vzhodnim grebenom Velike Babe.

Z odcepa je na vrh dobra ura vzpona, čez sedlo pod Monturo pa kakih 10 min več. S Komne bo na vrh nekako 2 h 30 min, iz Bohinja pa 5 h. Tura je lahka, le v primeru slabe vidljivosti nam jo lahko precej zahode orientacija.

Other / Drugo

It would be tempting and for sure very nice to ascend Velika Baba also from the north, from alpine meadows called Planina za skalo, 1500 m, and Planina za Črnim vrhom, 1529 m. From the latter you would continue up in the high valley, which accompanies on the east the long ridge, going from Kaluder to Velika Baba. Interestingly, this nice high valley has no name on mountain maps! From it the eastern ridge of Velika Baba is easily reachable too.Drugi pristopi na vrh skoraj da niso v rabi. Zanimivo in zagotovo zelo lepo bi se bilo povzpeti na vrh s severa, s Planine za Skalo, 1500 m, ali s Planine za Črnim vrhom, 1529 m. S slednje bi le nadaljevali v visoko dolino, ki na vzhodu spremlja dolgi greben Kaluder – Velika Baba. Ta dolina začuda na zemljevidih nima imena, iz njenega zatrepa pa bi se brez težav dalo povzpeti na vzhodni greben Babe. Greben s Kaludra na Babo pa je ponekod zahtevnejši, videti pa je tudi zelo zaraščen.

Mountain huts / Planinske koče

The queen of gravelThe queen of screes / Kraljica melišč
Only to ascend Velika Baba you don't need mountain huts, but many visitors are staying in this nice, a bit remote area, also to visit other summits, so here is the list of huts which can support your endeavors. Three huts are really on higher mountan area, two are in the valley ends, so being more inns than mountain huts.

  • Dom Klementa Juga v Lepeni, 700 m. In the end of Lepena valley. Rechable by car.
  • Dom pri Krnskih jezerih, 1385 m. It is situated close to the beautiful Krn lake only some 10 minutes NE of it. Reachable in 2 hours from Lepena valley.
  • Koča pod Bogatinom, 1513 m. Standing on Komna plateau, east of Bogatinsko sedlo. Reachable from the end of Bohinj valley in 2 h 45 min.
  • Dom na Komni, 1520 m. Standing on Komna plateau, east of Bogatinsko sedlo. Reachable from the end of Bohinj valley in 2 h 30 min.
  • Koča pri Savici, 653 m. In the end of Bohinj valley. Reachable by car.
  • Zgolj za vzpon na Veliko Babo koč ne potrebuješ, številni obiskovalci pa tam v visokogorju ostajajo dalj časa zaradi še drugih ciljev. Od petih koč so tri v višjih predelih, dve pa sta bolj gostilni, v zatrepih dolin in dosegljivi z avtom.

  • Dom Klementa Juga v Lepeni, 700 m.
  • Dom pri Krnskih jezerih, 1385 m. Je le nekaj minut oddaljen od lepega Krnskega jezera. Dosegljiv v 2 h vzpona iz Lepene.
  • Koča pod Bogatinom, 1513 m. Stoji na Komni. Dosegljiva je iz Bohinja v 2 h 45 min.
  • Dom na Komni, 1520 m. Stoji na Komni. Dosegljiva je iz Bohinja v 2 h 30 min.
  • Koča pri Savici, 653 m. V koncu Bohinjske doline.
  • Red Tape / Opozorila

    You are in the Triglav National Park (, so nature has to be preserved completely intact.

    To leave a car by Koča pri Savici, you have to pay a parking fee.
    Nahajaš se v Triglavskem narodnem parku (, zato ohrani naravo popolnoma neokrnjeno.

    Za parkiranje pri Koči pri Savici je treba plačati parkirnino.

    When To Climb? / Kdaj na vrh?

    Velika Baba can be visited any time of a season. In summer the best months are June and start of July, when the high karstic plateau is blossoming. Then nice can be days, when visibility is good - any time in summer or autumn. Usually weather there stabilizes end of July and stays nice till end of October. In winter you should come with skis, either from Krn lake or across Komna plateau. You can ski from the very summit of Velika Baba.Na Veliko Babo se lahko povzpnemo v katerem koli letnem času. V kopnih delih sezone sta najboljša meseca junij in začetek julija, ko so visoke planote v cvetju, ter kasneje skozi vse poletje in jesen, ko je vidljivost dobra. Pozimi je priporočljivo priti s smučmi, bodisi od Krnskega jezera ali čez Komno. Smučamo lahko prav z vrha.



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    Bohinj GroupMountains & Rocks